Friday, March 28th, 2003
And we're off! Really off. Y'all have already played 9 games so far! You guys don't screw around like some other colored leagues. LOL.
Anyway, welcome to Season 1 of the Blue League. For those of you new to the Best Online League experience, you're in for a treat. You'll feel intensity in some of these games that will truly impress you. You will be tempted to throw your Xbox out the window. All I can say is, be prepared for this, and it won't creep up on you. Because of everything being online, even video clips and what not - there is a lot of pressure. There will be HUGE games that will determine so much, and of course - there's actual cash on the line. You will get into these games moreso than any other league: so be ready for that. Otherwise your emotions will get the best of you.
As far as updates, look throughout the week, but usually if things get busy for me - I'll just update on Sundays. But most of the time I'll update immediately, just to get it out of the way.
There's not a whole lot more for me to say, other than I'm really excited. There's something about the smaller group of 12 people that makes everyone feel as if they're in it until the end. 8 of you will be in the playoffs, and that's just perfect. As well a 12 week season, really is the best. I know we're doing 16 in Red, but I honestly feel that's just prolonging the obvious. We may go to a 12 week schedule in both leagues. Haven't decided yet.
As of this moment we are officially in Weeks 1 & 2. You may however go ahead to Weeks 3 and 4, but no further. Ideally I'd like you to have 1 & 2 finished before you move ahead, but there's no penalty for jumping around. Once all the Week 1 & 2 games have been played, I'll update the leaderboard and we'll move on to Weeks 3 & 4. Also, just grab me on AIM: Adam4tvs and I'll let you know.
Oh and finally, if you don't read the rules I'll shoot you. If one more person asks me something that I took the HOURS to go over in the rules - bullet in the brain. Cool? Cool.

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