4:00 PM - Monday, September 2nd, 1996:
No message from the new PD saying I was fired. Just thought I'd throw that out there. HAHAHA.
7:00 PM - 7:20 AM, Friday - Saturday, September 6th - 7th, 1996: SHOW 182 (1000 hours passed)
1,000 HOURS!! AWESOME SHOW. PERFECT SHOW. GREAT SHOW. Everything fell into place, everything fit. The Boyles was the drop dead funniest Boyles I’ve ever done, and AHHHH! Things were cool. Everyone congratulating me on the big milestone and just everything was funny. I HOPE DARRYL HEARD THIS! Only thing bad is that online kind of sucks. No one is coming! I can’t afford it if no one comes. Fuck I can’t believe I’m paying for this. Oh well. That’s how much I love my show. So, a great show. And then. AG told me one time that Ethan (John and Jane producer) wrote for Saturday Night Live! Well it’s true. I sat with Ethan for an hour and just was in awe. The man was there in 1991 no less when everyone was there, and Michael Jordan did the premiere. Wow. He just said that he bugged them and constantly pushed. and prodded and he got the job. What a contact. I would give anything to be a writer for Saturday Night Live. Maybe I’ll send them the latest Boyles episode. Hmmm....
10:30 PM - 7:30 AM, Saturday - Sunday, September 7th - 8th, 1996: SHOW 183
The worst show I’ve ever had with a producer. At home spent hours working out a new Boyles song. Recorded it and added the vocals with the piano at the studio. Then I thought I was done, and just fucked around. Well even though I wrote my Top Nine List, I forgot to record it. Then my only caller of the hour, Roy called up with one. Saved my ass. I used his all night. But yes, the only call of the hour. That may be a first. One call all hour. When talk finally did get started around 1:30, it was on economics and BAM. It went for an hour until I admitted I was bored to tears. Got 2 new people in the chat room, but I think I’m gonna have to cancel it. It will work out to $30 a month, and it just isn’t worth that for me. We’ll see, maybe the new guy will help pay. The new guy being the PD. Theme Trivia was horrible. Everyone was clueless and no one was listening to a word I said. New callers please, all the old ones called. Had a guy call every minute at the top of the hour to play, each time I said WAIT TIL I SAY! AHHH. I even said God damnit on the air..it was under my breath and it was like a God....then a damnit maybe 2 seconds later. Angela didn’t even budge so I assume not many people caught it. I was so frustrated. Then somehow made it to the top of the hour, and inevitably the rest of the show. Jim’s Outdoor Review never called, and neither did Gib’s Comic Book Review. (Sigh) kids these days. Ha. The Boyles Vol. 1 backed up until next week, and now I have to work on the covers. Goodnight.
11:30 PM - 2:00 AM, Sunday - Monday, September 8th - 9th, 1996:
Produced Cannon, cut out Boyles covers. Ho hum.