10:45 PM - 6:00 AM, Friday - Saturday, July 21st - 22nd, 1995: SHOW 19
Earlier in the week Bill White told me that I should cut back on the requests. It was probably the fourth time he's mentioned this, and so I decided to make a concerned effort. I knew that people would still call in, so on my first break I explained the predicament, and maybe they could call in and give pet peeves or other things. Well they called in, their pet peeve was no music requests. I mean these people were pissed. 4 or 5 said they'd talk to Bill personally, and one guy started yelling at me on the air saying it was my choice and I was passing the buck! I tried to tell him that I really enjoyed requests, but he was not buying it. Then came trivia. Some guy calls up and answered a question wrong. The question was how long does it take for sunlight to reach the earth? He says the sun's rays travel at 186,000 miles per second. Very good sir, the earth is also round, but how long does it take? He just couldn't get it. Finally he says "You just don't want me to stump you..." What a dick. He pleads with me to let him answer another. He gets that wrong too, and I say "I can't go through all of these and let you try, if you'd like to stump me for fun, go ahead. He asks me which Beatles girlfriend gaqve them the idea for the moptop. The answer was Stu Sutcliffe. He stumped me, and I asked him if he knew the story about John's involvement in Stu's death, and he went off. He said it was absurd for me to suggest that John was involved in anyway. This was of course a pretty well known rumor. He said that Stu committed suicide! Look in any book, and it says that he died of a brain hemorrhage, not a real common way to kill yourself. In even more detailed books, they talk of a fight that John and Stu were involved in which John knocked him out and left him lying there, later finding out that Stu died of a hemorrhage to the brain. Indirectly that makes John the murderer. Of course this is a rumor, but a rumor in many books. He fought with me forever. I finally said go get your book, I'll get mine, we'll have a debate tomorrow at midnight. FINALLY he agreed, so it's on. I still blew his ass up as he hung up with my Adam Bomb. Did I mention that? I made a cart of a huge explosion and have been happily obliterating idiot callers. Tomorrow will rock though. I'm pumped, he's wrong, it will be fun. As for the requests, I don't know what to do since Bill doesn't work on the weekends, and will be out of town on Monday and Tuesday. I'll just play it by ear.
10:45 PM - 6:00 AM, Saturday - Sunday, July 22nd - 23rd, 1995: SHOW 20 (100 hours passed)
What an anticlimactic way to celebrate my 100th hour on the air. He didn't call. The weasal. I went to the library, wasted money on the copier, went to a bookstore....and he doesn't call. Oh well. This was the first shift that I thoroughly thought I wasn't going to make it through. I was sooooo tired, and felt sick. I can't seem to get back on a schedule. I don't want to sleep from Noon to Ten because I'll have no day left, but now I sleep for 3 hours before I go on, and 5 hours when I get home.... I'm tired at the wrong times, and sleepy at the wrong times. Anyway, my 100th hour went great though, trivia went on with no problems. Everyone played by the rules. Then a good deal of people called to stump me for fun. It was quite enjoyable. I took a few requests but did not advertise that I would too much. Still pissed that guy didn't call, but maybe he will next time.
10:45 PM - 5:00 AM, Sunday - Monday, July 23rd - 24th, 1995: SHOW 21
I did my first voice over at the station. Valvoline Motor Oil, at the Duke/Duchess stores. It was alright, but I was extremely tired. That guy still did not call... that pisses me off. Had a "friend" call me from the road because he heard Thursday. That's perfect, exactly what I want, people to hear that song. Had some guy with out a voice box who used one of those electronic things that made him sound like a monotone alien, it was interesting. I'm finding that people really don't like Hansel too much. But why they tell me is odd. Like a 19 year old has a big say in things. In 5 years I will though. God, am I going to be doing this for 5 years? I kind of hope not.