3:00 PM, Friday, January 5th, 1996:
Meeting #10 - Bill had called me a couple of days earlier and talked to me about the prankers. Apparently he was up and heard the whole ordeal. He basically said to throw on a spot and screen as many people as you can instead of goin to them cold. This meeting was basically to reassure those things, see how I was doing. Nothing big. He gave me prizes for the show though! Hello! He also gave them to Cannon, so whew... Not anything there to worry about. Good overall meeting. Can't tell if he felt I handled the prankers maturely or not. It seems he only heard when I lost it, and when it was an issue of debate. He told me to take Hansell's advice and to ignore them. That statement told me he must not have listened much. I've done the "ignoring" thing, I've done everything. The fact remains that if they are there they can ruin the show. Only had one or two letters which really surprises me. They were all to him, and really none for me...Boo-hoo. Good meeting though, and we scheduled one for this next Friday.
10:30 PM - 6:30 AM, Friday - Saturday, January 5th - 6th, 1996: SHOW 97
Killer night. It was great and I felt extremely funny for some reason. As Bill said in the meeting some nights you come in and you have it, and other nights ya don't. I was definitely on tonight. I usually gauge that by how much fun I'm having and how much laughing goes on. It was great, QFM ordered pizza, and the guy called up to us because he didn't know who it was for. So then an hour later I call up QFM on the air and ask why they don't share. It was funny. Then Brent Jovi who I mistakenly called "jo-show"...wrong guy....came in eating pizza in my face. It was a trip for sure. Overall great night. Brought back the ol' stump the king for some of the prizes, then gave the rest to the face-off folks. Had a pranker near the end, but he was truly an unenthused one, and I got the best of him. It was even funny. Great night, great fun. Met Joel Riley, one of the guys who filled in for me when I was in NY. And I was on again. I just had all the right things to say. Maybe I am getting good at this Talk thing. Oh, and by the way, Joel was extremely nice..and an Otterbein grad as well. Let's hope tomorrow runs as smoothly. Knock, knock, knock...
10:00 PM - 7:00 AM, Saturday - Sunday, January 6th - 7th, 1996: SHOW 98
Went in early to do some stuff for WOBN and make a new Theme Trivia song. Figured I'd parody my own songs since my CD will be out soon. The Beatles don't need my help. The night was great. What a killer weekend. What a well deserved killer weekend. The first hour and a half we laughed and played disco music. Everyone was calling up with old disco tunes, and I was trying to find them as quick as I could and put them on. It was fun playing the songs, but it was still talk since we talked over just about everything. Finally it died down, because I was getting all too sick of it. Talk about the Klan took over until 3:00 then we had another good night of theme trivia. Also Glenn said I had a bright future in music. Glenn...he never says anything...and he's black. I don't know why I think it's cool that a black guy likes my music but I do. Alright good way to start off the new year.
10:15 PM - 2:00 AM, Sunday - Monday, January 7th - 8th, 1996:
Ran ESPN, produced Cannon. A new year can't change the boredom of the "Late Night Radio Rampage." More like the "Early Morning Audible Sleepy-time..." :-)