locked 01.17.06 along with Entry #490 after what occured in that entry
unlocked 09.02.07 along with Entry #490 at Paul Kulak's request for legal documentation in lawsuit
9:10 PM, Sunday, October 31st, 2005:
Thank you Journey Gods. My "November to Remember" streak is off to a perfect start. I simply could not have made this up.
So as I mentioned in the last entry, I was going down to LA City Hall to support Kulak's Woodshed at the city council meeting. Their building variance was being appealed and there was a hearing on Wednesday. I think Kulak's is one in a million and was happy to give my time. The backstory Mr. Kulak told one of the reporters is crazy...
When Kulak's first opened in 2000 the owner of an adjacent business, Charles Peyton, was thrown out for being drunk and "groping" some of the patrons. Chuck wasn't too happy about this and continued trying to come in. Restraining orders were filed and eventually Mr. Peyton turned his energy to getting Kulak's shut down for various building code violations.
What he soon found out however was that when you're sited for any violation, you can pretty easily correct them. Kulak's did this by making the place membership only, signing an agreement with a school across the street for parking, not having performers on after 10:30 pm, even going so far as to applying for zoning variances to further comply with the city. The city came out, did a report on the establishment and granted the variance. Chucky lost it and went to every meeting on the variance demanding that it not pass, yet it always did.
Tom (the guy who spoke during my first Kulak's show) coming to the mic, me further back.
Wednesday was his final appeal to the city to not allow the variance and in turn shut down Kulak's Woodshed. He brought his peeps, we brought ours, and we both had 5 minutes to speak to the council and give our side. The outcome was hardly in doubt as Charlie immediately shot himself in the foot by attacking one of the city council women and generally being overly dramatic clearly showing his personal vendetta. Truth was, Kulak's had gone by the book and the city knew it...hell they wrote the report for cryin' out loud. Peyton lost his appeal, the variance was approved 12-0.
~* ~ summoning the power of the Journey Gods...STRIKE NOW!! ~* ~
Charles Peyton is also known as Jeff Stryker, legendary gay porn-star.
Oh man, don't give me this ammo. He not only slams Kulak's ad nauseum on his website, but he links to his other full-time job and I've never smiled bigger. Speaking of big, he really is a legend in the field. He's in the Hustler Hall of Fame. As well as his action-figure, he has his own "life-like" dildo. Dude has a stamp, a legitimate stamp, in the Netherlands. !??! However he will never be mistaken for a scholar. Try perusing charlespeyton.com if you want to feel like a kindergarten teacher grading papers. Look at these two sentences:
"Stryker has ventured into the world of Major motion pictures on several occasions in Major motion pictures. In 1999 Rosa Von Pronheim's "May I be your Bratwurst Please" starring yours truly. Other bodies of film he jeff stryker, jeff stryker used his birth name and co-starred in to test his acting ability as someone other then."
Of course I had to download some movies. Not only does he look like Dirk Diggler (in all aspects) but it's that old-school 80's, bad dialogue, goofy situation porn that is friggin' HILARIOUS. There was no way in hell I wasn't using some of this for the entry...but folks, it's not over.
I had to wait until today to get the replay of the footage of the city council meeting as the re-running on Wednesday never happened. Then, while editing together the video I found yet another gem on Jeff's website. This, this is just wonderful:
Dear Journey Gods,
Listen, I appreciate what you're trying to do. You certainly step in every now and then and provide outstanding material for my life and I simply don't know where I'd be without you. However, making the gay porn-star have a country single entitled:  "Pop you in the Pooper" is really too much. And his band is called the "Soggy-Bottomed Boyz"? Come on guys. What would possess you to go that far?
Anyway, keep up the good work, but in the future please try to stay within the realm of reality. I'm aware this is La-La Land, but even Hollywood wouldn't take such liberties.
Thanks again,


I hope you're laughing, because I can't stop. Of course I'm giving you an mp3 of the song, and of course it's in the video. Hell I was happy using grunts and gay porn with today's entry video and the guy hands me an original song?!?! Man, there's this singer/songwriter venue he should play that at...
You'd better believe I'm going to write a parody song about our new friend and premiere it at Kulak's. Most likely it'll be a week from tomorrow on the 14th. Sometimes life just hands you the funny...the Gods do help though...