1:55 PM, Thursday, June 17th, 2021:
How is this video not on the site? How on earth did I live 2002 and think "Hmm, meeting the creator of FUCKING MARIO is not worthy of a minute of video time... but me brushing my GODDAMN TEETH - yeah, keep that."
Bizarre. I honestly don't have the answer. I think maybe it seemed unprofessional? I mean, clearly the dude was like "who are these guys". But yeah... this is awesome and I'll explain it after you watch...
So looking back at the entries talking about this (#203 and #204)...
...I had made the opening logo I created a Journey video as well as the trailer for the DVD. Makes sense that I didn't go three deep by adding this video because The Journey was about documenting how chasing my dream changed my character and this was really a sideroad. But man - the dude is a living legend in the gaming world and is there a bigger video game character than Mario? Crazy.
So last month some people contacted me because apparently I had footage on the Planet GameCube DVD that showed some Kirby card no one can find info on? Well that DVD is now $400 on Ebay as a collector's item and they were hoping I could kindly give them just a few parts they were looking for. It's a 4-hour DVD and the backups are on Digital 8 Tape so there's no easy way to do this other than digitize the whole thing and then edit out the direct footage and give them the ten minutes of floor footage I had. They were being ignored by other people they asked and my heart went out to them. I figured there was probably some cool stuff on there I hadn't seen in 19 years. NINE-TEEN YEARS what the FUCK. And in fact, there was this footage of Meeting Shiggy and it'll make it into Volume One of The Official Journey movie this fall so that's a good excuse to take a day and help them.
So crazy there's footage I still haven't digitized, but when you've been doing this as long as I have (and back when harddrive space was a premium) there's certain thing that just don't get done. At some point I really need to make sure I have it all saved on multiple drives.
Damn, Shigeru Miyamoto. How cool is that...