Entry #2057
7:55 PM - August 13th, 2020
So 20 years ago today I married Jess and if not for where I was with my family today I most likely wouldn't have noticed the date. Whereas the first few years after our split we'd call each other and ironically celebrate our "unniversary" ever since kids enter the picture life is so hectic it's barely a passing thought. Still love her, her family and wish them well...
...but this morning after camping for two nights we decided to take the kids to McDonalds. Just googled the closest one and prayed there was a drive-thru as we've been in human quarantine forever. As we're driving there I start to think about it. I was at Lake Arrowhead in 2005 with Jess and... come to think of it...

HOLY SHIT - I know this McDonalds! And there is NOT a drive-thru. I remember it because Jess and I had a pretty intense conversation there when we were thinking of reconciling a year after we split. And because this it The Journey, 1640 entries ago...
(this was actually a two-parter "Storybook... ...ending?")
And that picture was taken right here...
Even crazier? Today is our 20th Anniversary. What the fuck? I know when you count everything strange little symbiotic moments pop-up but the chances of being here at this exact moment COMPLETELY by accident? Wow. So I had to send her that video and we both couldn't believe it.
We got old. But we made it to our Storybook Ending. Just a tiny bit different than we presumed 15 years ago ;-)