Entry #1007
12:33 AM - January 31st, 2010...
Shit. Things aren't going well...
I'm cracking a bit. Part of it has to do with the last blacked out entry, but that's a thinly veiled excuse. I'm pretty lost, and I look back on a month where nothing has gotten done and worse yet? No one is responding to anything. Simply put - no one is as excited as I am about the "irons" in the fire as I am and I'm struggling to keep my belief level up... with ZERO help. My ratio of work to good feedback is nonexistent... no responses to the handful of DVDs I sold/gave away - a complete drop in all "readership" feedback - I'm pretty lost.
It's inevitable, and I've mentioned this before: most readers can only handle one fall. They get jazzed up with you, and then get the 2x4 to the face (losing Comedy Central) and they just say fuck this, and quietly fade away. You gear up for the next round, attract newcomers and rinse, repeat. Except this time, Adam seems to be fading. I may be the king at being able to function in a vacuum, but this is too much. It just seems like the size of "The Journey" kills the the attractiveness to it. People think, jesus - he's still at it after this long? Pathetic. And I don't necessarily disagree. It inherently makes me forgettable.
It's just the weight of 1000. The weight of crossing that marker. The weight of absolutely no one responding to anything I'm doing... and of course my personal life being somewhat trying at the moment. I'm not sure I've ever felt this "on edge" before. The reconnect with Jess during the re-enactment shit was a giant reminder of how much I've changed... for the worse. I feel like I'm documenting my mental meltdown, and not being particularly open about it. You know? Like I'm having to leave shit out. That "drunken" video was just... scathing. So fuckin' bad. And having to lock it? Hide it? Means even The Journey isn't sincere anymore. But I risk alienating everyone who has ever cared about me by sharing that.
Something's gotta give. Something needs to break. Woah... I just realized something. I said the same thing at the same time, a year ago - Entry #850 - It's time to jump. Please. Yeah, that's about exactly how I feel right now, but unemployed to boot. Oh, yeah - that job thing. That sales gig last year turned out to be a mirage. My friend that stayed there a couple weeks after I came to Columbus ended up leaving. Total mess. Though, I now have two roomates to help with finances... and christ I have to get into all that now too. I just want to curl up in a ball. Next entry. Promise. Full explanation.
All I can do is end the entry exactly how I did a year ago...

ENOUGH. PLEASE SOMETHING. PLEASE. I'm ready to jump. Just show me any, fucking, direction.

Journey Gods, you have been summoned...