(click the picture above for
the high definition
video - but also click
for me!)
11:27 PM,
Thursday, November 27th, 2008:
I have plenty to
be thankful for, but zzzzzzzz what fun is that. I've
decided to use this day as a list of "Future
Thank-Yous" to someone I've struggled my entire life
to find.
Thank you for
understanding support. What it means to give it,
receive it and how necessary it is even if you're
not in the mood.
Thank you for
having the strength to do anything and never saying
"can't". You may need help, you may need time, but
you know damn well you're capable and you will make
it happen.
Thank you for
believing the same about me. :-)
Thank you for
having absolutely no problem doing anything I need
because it's not only expected that I will return
that favor - but it's almost a race to see who can
do it first. Beware, I like winning.
Thank you for
believing in "coincidence". Sometimes, shit happens
and it wasn't because of something you did. Along
those lines...
Thank you for
not believing you control every single thing that
happens to you. How people have taken the simple
truth that a good attitude can help you see
opportunities in front of you and romanticised it
to the point of total control over every variable
is exhausting. Life throws you curveballs that you
can learn how to hit, and sometimes you can spot
them before they're thrown, but you're not the
Thank you for
not speaking to me in proverbs like I just did
to you. That shit makes me crazy, and although that
was a good one - I've said nothing new. Which is
why that shit is annoying. Kinda
Thank you for
not quoting quotes to me.
Thank you for
realizing life isn't that hard. It's actually
really fun.
Thank you for
proving to me that intelligence doesn't have to
mean over-analyzing away happiness.
Thank you for
being down to earth. Moreso...
Thank you for
realizing that had I not lived the life I had
I would never appreciate that aspect in you like
I do.
Thank you for
making ME feel like the dreamer again. I should be
the maximum level of head in the clouds
Thank you
for realizing I knew you existed and that I
really am thanking our future memories in
this song no mattter how silly that seems
years from now.
Thank you
for kissing me even after CeBe has.
Thank you for
suspending disbelief long enough to hear my story.
Thank you for
still having your doubts, giving me enough rope to
hang myself, but then letting me use that rope as a
lasso on YOU 'cause I actually was telling the
truth. :-)
Thank you for
respecting me.
Thank you for
knowing I am always on your side even when
I disagree with you.
Thank you for
rereading that and letting that sink
Thank you for
voting for Obama.
Thank you for
laughing at that.
Thank you for
being inspired by Michelle Obama as a mother as
much as a Harvard/Princeton grad and high-powered
Thank you for
being my teammate.
Thank you for
expecting me to be a good man, a good lover
and a best friend. That order may change depending
on your mood. :-)
Thank you for
not being mean or cruel to me... ever. There is
never an excuse for it.
Thank you for
understanding that a little boy wrote that last one
and he will never go away.
OK.... so this is
awkward. Kinda want to end this now. Seems like I was
just having a very personal conversation with someone
and then shook my head and all of you were behind us
listening. Alright. Uhm.
As if she hadn't
done enough already, Laura invited me to Thanksgiving
and I'm not sure I've ever been more thankful for a
surrogate family in my life. And it really did feel
like family 'cause although I didn't know anyone
but Laura, her husband Mike and her father Jerry, they
had all heard about the "all-night
lock out"
story from
NY last month which was quite the hit. It was awesome
'cause this lady say: "You stayed at my house last
month..." and the guy behind me goes: "Adam gets
around apparently..." and I was very, very confused.
Ended up it was Jerry's wife Joan who then proceeded
to laugh with me about what happened and offer hugs of
apology. It was great. I'm pretty sure I smiled from
ear to ear the entire night.
OK, some of it had to do with hangin' out
with a Soprano.
such an incredible dork but there's a few
of you out there (ahem, Jess) who knows
EXACTLY what I felt like. You just kinda
want to giggle a bunch 'cause - there he
is. I can't lie, I was running
through scenes in my head half the night.
He mentioned HBO giving him the new boxed
set and that he was excited because he
actually hadn't watched that many episodes
which really made me feel like a geek. I
think I've watched the entire run 4
seperate times. When he mentioned that I
actually said: "Yeah, it's a really good
show you should watch those..." Ha. I'm
telling Hesh to watch the Sopranos. Love
it. We also both have projectors/screens
in our homes and he too was bummed to find
out the DVD set wasn't in high-def. Come
on HBO. We're pissed. Let's go
were two head shaking moments however.
One, was about Laura's nephew Joe (both
seen to your right). Jerry and Joan were
able to come out a little early to see him
in "Company" which Laura has been raving
about ever since. It was very cool
remembering my own leads in high school
and I pointed out that we had nearly the
same shirt on. And then it hit me. I got
the shirt in 1991. He was born in 1993. I
remember decades ago having an older
relative say: "I have shirts older than
you..." and I'm now that guy. And I'm
actually wearing the shirt. LOL. I
had to let that sink in for a
Not as
crazy however as Jerry talking about the
show he's on now, Rescue Me, after
mentioning the Sopranos boxset... and
having the other teenager in the room go:
"Wow you're on Rescue Me?!?!"... 'cause
she didn't know The Sopranos. (sigh) It's
like finding out McCartney was in a band
before WINGS. You just have to
cringe for a bit. That was probably the
best analogy of 2008 thank-you-very-much.
:-) And man, what have you done for me
lately right? Christ.
Anyway, it was a
blast and I'm barely out of my coma long enough to put
this entry up and fall into coma part 2. BTW, I said I
wasn't going to mention this but I have to: it was the
best food I have ever tasted in my entire life. Best
Turkey, best prime rib (not even close) - apparently
Duck fat was the secret? The guy who cooked the
majority of it runs 47 restaurants or some shit and
owns Houston's in NY and LA? I just couldn't
believe how good everything tasted - and I was
hesitant to say it because of my proud Greek family's
cooking (which is spectacular) but this was... I'm so
sorry, but it was better than anything I've ever
tasted. Seriously, I will probably never taste
food that good for the rest of my life. And Jerry's
sweet potatoes with maple syrup or molasses or...
goddamn. I cannot believe how good it was. So Happy
Turkey Day, and thank you Laura beyond today, for
simply believing in me. I'll prove you