(click the picture above for the high definition video - but also click YouTube for me!)
1:15 PM, Wednesday, March 5th 2008:
I want Obama to be the president more than any candidate in my lifetime and I will say this unequivocally: Hillary has every right to and in fact should fight on. Hillary should give it her all. Hillary should continue to throw it all at Obama. She should go as negative as she feels necessary. She should try and influence the Super Delegates, and she has every right to keep pushing for Michigan and Florida. She should do everything she can. She has won nearly every big state and this should keep going. No qualifiers here - she won and won big...unless you count the delegates, but let's forget that for a moment because winning 3 states last night was a HUGE shift in the race.
Now why did she win? It's clear - negative ads work. Fear works. It swayed people in these past 2 weeks. And guess what, if it sways the country this much? If Obama is THIS vulnerable to the most shallow "3AM" ads and muslim rumors? Then McCain will beat Obama this fall. If people can't see through the negative politics, then Obama should not be the democratic nominee. He got his ass whooped in Ohio. Whooped. If you think the same racism won't give Ohio to McCain you're high. Of course Hillary ain't winning Ohio either, but the bottom line is: the numbers don't lie. If he can't fight the negative press from his own party, he'll never be able to fight it in November. And if the goal is to stop the republican regime, you have to step back and watch this unfold and tip your hat to the victor.
And that victor is John McCain. This is going to the convention, and history suggests the delegates will put them both on the ticket. If I were a betting man? I'd say Howard Dean will succumb to pressure on Michigan and Florida, those primaries will be in June, and Clinton will bring Obama's pledged delegate lead down to a dozen or less and with the supers who have already sided with her she may even over-take him. And with winning every big state? Welcome to Clinton/Obama. The most suicidal ticket possible. Only a democrat thinks that's a good ticket. Anyone else knows that's political suicide. But honestly, neither will have much choice. I guess they could choose not to accept but that may be even worse for them politically. But you aren't winning in November with that ticket no matter who's on top. Depressing to say the least.
Now on the delegate side, everyone needs a little perspective. At best, at BEST, she gained 12 delegates from his 157 pledged delegate lead (which actually makes her race to catch him harder since yesterday was her biggest chance to cut into the lead). Some reports have her only gaining 4 from the whole night - and Obama's team thinks when it's all said and done it'll be dead even: 185-185 from last night. So in reality, she did nothing except have a talking point at the end that says she won all the big states. And I think it's a good talking point. And unless Obama is a strong 150+ delegates ahead at the end of all the contests? This puppy goes to the convention. We'll just have to wait and see.
But as I said last entry: I'm just done with this. It's just been too much. I can barely sleep. I'll watch the results of Wyoming Saturday and Mississippi next week - but then it's a good 7 weeks off to refocus my energies. I know everyone's clamoring for a super-political movie/cartoon from me (one guy emails me every fucking day about it) and all I can say is - it'll happen when it happens. My brain ain't seein' the angle at the moment and well, it's the only brain I have to work with. Creativity is a weird beast man.
Speaking of weird beasts - what is going ON at The Early Show? Anyone catch this?
<Gulp> Which lead to the rumor that she was fired on Friday? See the NY Times on Saturday:
I've been in touch with Tammy through all of this who is obviously just trying to weather the storm. The question now is of course - WHERE IS FRIEDMAN GOING? They're being coy about it as they obviously can't say anything until a press release, but it's driving me batty. Seems awfully coincidental for this Shelley rumor to have happened the day Steve left don't you think? I have nothing but my own conspiracy theories to provide here, so I'll refrain. I just want my man Steve to be treated with respect and get a good deal out of everything. It's completely frustrating because when Shelley was hired last year there was almost a collective:  "Huh?" from everyone at the show. Things were going good, Friedman actually finneagled the deal to get all the affiliates back in January and then out of the blue this came up. Her bad reputation far preceeded her (even being brought up when the story broke of her being hired), and everyone I worked with just looked at each other with puzzlement at what this meant. Obviously, nothing was "greatly exagerrated" looking at these two articles.
Nor is it too much of a suprise with the interraction I've had with the staff in LA since the takeover. People are frazzled to say the least. Gotta admit that I shake my head at the incredibly bad luck of being caught in the middle of all this. The Egos rocked. I mean, that last season was so above and beyond man... DAHHHH.
And finally Bill Maher mentioned the "hand over the heart" thingee on the show in his "new rules" segment so score one for my rant. I have no real way of knowing if he saw that personally, but I have to assume one of the writers did considering it was on so many political blogs calling him out with my rant attached. I saw no one doing that without my rant being part of it... so one of those 3,000 hits may have made an impact. I have yet to talk to Michelle about my letter situation but that couldn't have played a part as he wouldn't have read it until right before showtime. Interesting anecdote to The Journey though.
Alirght, well I have emails into everyone I know at CBS (including Steve) so we'll see what happens! Come on Journey Gods! Here's your shot!
PS - He just wrote back. Announcement tomorrow. And I thought my sleepless nights were over.