- 11:55 PM,
Thursday, September 1st, 2005:
- Angry
- I see a family:
Husband, wife and 4 year old boy out for a day in the
park. The kid falls down a small set of concrete steps
and cuts open his head pretty severely. The parents go
into overdrive. They instinctually know what to do.
The dad takes off his shirt to provide pressure on the
cut as they race towards the car. Dad hands the kid to
the mother in the backseat and they take off. They
know the route to get to the hospital, the mother
knows to restrain the kid and keep pressure on the
wound no matter how much he kicks and screams. When
they get to the emergency room the leadership goes up
a notch. Nurses and doctors appropriately restraining
the kid, communicating like a well-oiled machine.
There is no hesitation, they know what has to be done
and do it. Though it's commonplace to them, their
reactions literally save the kid's life. One has to
wonder what would happen if those involved didn't take
control, didn't make those crucial decisions in an
emergency that need to be made.
- Well, don't have
to wonder now.
- The situation in
New Orleans right now is so inexcusable that I'm
having trouble sitting down. I keep hitting news
websites watching updates and I get angrier and
angrier. 48 hours ago, this was "Darwin's Finest
Hour", but now it's a whole different story. Let me
explain that better.
- We knew the storm
was gonna be really bad, yet so many people stayed.
Granted, some were incapable of leaving, but a good
many were just stupid. Nature has a way of weeding
those people out in times of survival, and as sad as
it is - nothin' you can do about it. That was Monday.
Everything prior to Monday is absolutely the fault of
the government in Louisiana (Democrat btw) - the
aftermath however
- FEMA should've
been there in DROVES by Tuesday morning, getting those
people supplies, food, and MOST IMPORTANTLY
transportation OUT. As looting started Tuesday and
into Wednesday - every available national guardsmen
from all over the country should've turned the big
easy into a police state. 100,000 troops should cover
that city and take control. Cruise ships, battle
ships, and every possible floating device should've
been ordered to line-up in the gulf to rescue
thousands stranded. Evacuate IMMEDIATELY. Not soon,
TUESDAY. You can have all that there in less than 24
hours, but it takes a strong leader with the foresight
to know what to do in an emergency to take control.
Why is it the end of the day on THURSDAY with tens of
thousands sitting in feces dying?
- What angers me -
is this isn't like ALIENS just landed all of the
sudden. How long have we known about this? I realize
the president has been golfing for 5 weeks, but still
- other people in our government had to expect the
worst, the hurricane stretched from CUBA TO LOUSIANA
for cryin' out loud. Someone's hand had to be sitting
on a button in case all hell broke loose. But now that
it has
what's the wait? That's where I'm angry -
fine we weren't prepared, it was ten times worse than
we even thought on Monday - but now? WHAT THE HELL?
Why is Bush reacting like this is an everyday natural
disaster? "Water and food is coming
" ?!?!!? Your
people are dying in toxic water every minute - TAKE
OVER THE CITY AND GET, THEM OUT. Why don't you treat
New Orleans like Fallujah you stupid son of a bitch.
Where's your cowboy swagger now? Do they need to wear
towels on their HEADS for you to pay attention to
- And if one more
person says to me "but they're shooting at the rescue
a couple dumbfucks with rifles shouldn't
stop our ARMY from doing what needs to be done. Bottom
line - if you treat them like animals, they will act
like animals. They're watching their family members
literally DIE in their wheelchairs - they're losing
their shit. They are being IGNORED. They finally make
it to dry land on an overpass and there's no
direction. No one to point them to help because there
is no help. The older residents are literally laying
down and PASSING AWAY from lack of food and
- And Bush has the
audacity to tell us to give money for help? Oh fuck me
you idiot. We pay you billions in tax revenue to keep
us safe. Billions. You then squander it on Iraq, and
when a legitimate disaster strikes, you need more
money? How 'bout you bring home the troops so they can
actually help our country where it's NEEDED? Imagine
the lives you could save in one phone call if you used
our might to save people in the US instead of
spreading "Freedom
Hate" in
the middle east. Or how 'bout that phone call to your
oil company buddies? Have them cease their profits for
maybe a WEEK and donate to the effort? I'll pay the
$3.50 a gallon - just use the money
almost too much man. I just shake my head over and
over. This is such a worse-case scenario for a country
at war. When we're already spread so thin, when we're
spending billions that we don't have, we're literally
at our weakest point. Understand why so many are angry
about why we went into Iraq? Everyone who acts like
it's some bleeding-heart liberal response to any war
just don't GET it. THIS is why war has to be taken
SERIOUSLY. It has to be a last resort to a clear and
present danger. Not a pre-emptive fictional war. All
reasons to go have been proven false and now we're
stuck. People dying there, now people dying here - you
think Al-Queda isn't salivating right now? Any inkling
how unsafe we are as a country? And what about
best-case scenarios? We're looking at $4 a gallon
within a WEEK at the pumps. How soon before people
can't afford to go to work? You tell me a guy making
$5 an hour can afford filling up for $60? We're in an
absolute tailspin and does anyone reading believe we
have a leader
that knows how to pull us out?
- Christ there's
more people dying while waiting for help at the
Superdome. I have to stop watching all this shit for
- Adam
- PS - here's an
version of
the song. Pass it on. The man speaking is the mayor of
New Orleans, Ray Nagin. Needless to say, he's not too
happy either.
- You're
leaderless, hopeless, no one will find
- Scream all you
can, wave your hands, we'll wave back and chide
- We'll watch you
cry, watch you die, we're more inclined to
- Welcome to your
leaderless state,
- Keep in mind,
at this time, help's in fallujah,
- Saving THEM,
helping THEM, you don't mind that do
- You know they
really need us there, spreading our freedom
- Welcome to your
leaderless state,
- So wade in all
the toxic crack, we won't send a boat.
- You're much too
poor, much too black, you don't even
- Darwin meant to
hold you back, we won't interfere with
- Welcome to your
leaderless state...