There. You don't
even have to hit the videos. YouTube is FILLED with
half naked girls, rubbing themselves all over the
place - thongs so tiny, they're simply naked showing
their ass. 30 second clips of nothing but grinding
sex. My bit got taken down (with a violation on my
account that after one more will get my entire account
DELETED -- yes all 900 videos) because of
"Most nudity
is not allowed, particularly if it is in a sexual
context. Generally if a video is intended to be
sexually provocative, it is less likely to be
acceptable for YouTube. There are exceptions for
some educational, documentary and scientific
content, but only if that is the sole purpose of
the video and it is not gratuitously graphic. For
example, a documentary on breast cancer would be
appropriate, but posting clips out of context from
the documentary might not be."
Look at that
search again. There are millions of gratuitous
sexual videos online. My video had zero nudity, didn't
even fucking curse - and though you could call it
sexually provocative, it's like saying you're not
allowed to wear black shoes in the NFL -- you walk on
with black shoes and get kicked out, but 80% of the
other players have black shoes on. You have to be
consistent, and clearly
they are not. Three emails later, no responses. Forget
the video, my account?!?! I was flagged earlier this
year for a copyright violation because I included part
of a Jeff Stryker video in the parody of him I did -
he got pissed and complained. And that's what happened
here. The Palin-bots complained, and they just took it
down. Whomever made that choice, clearly didn't look
into it - and for whatever reason won't return my
9600 hits. That's
what it was at after a day and a half. People have
absolutely LOVED the bit. My plan of getting that
thing viral was working perfectly - and I would've
easily hit 50,000 if not more by the showdate -- and
would have happily emailed the execs at Comedy Central
a viral video hit that they would then see as part of
my show later that night. Now? That's completely done.
There was one bit of hope however: Atom Films. They're
in conjunction with Comedy Central, they bought "Let's
Bomb Iran" and this is perfect for them. In fact I
couldn't believe I forgot about them when
I uploaded it on YouTube. They could personally
promote it for me and HELP me get the hits to impress
Comedy Central...
(Annoyingly, they
don't do HD, you can't embed their videos anywhere,
and when I went to LINK it on Facebook? I can
only use thumbnails of OTHER videos. ?!?! But again,
if they personally promote it, they can knock the hits
...except they
won't. ?!?! My contact actually acted like they simply
didn't like the bit. Said they couldn't use it on TV
(they have a show on Comedy Central ironically)
because it's "borderline". ?!?!? One of their
ORIGINAL SHORTS shows a hooker squirting a
ping-pong ball out of her vagina and then her hooker
girlfriend smelling it throughout the bit. What am I
missing?!? Ahhhhhh yes. Politics. And then it hit me.
This really has to be completely political. This is
where I kinda start to lose it.
I'm not acting the
way I'm acting in the bit because the woman is
conservative/republican. Maybe I should have made that
clearer in the bit. "Birthers" are not conservative.
They are insane. Somehow, the media has equated the
"birther/tea party" movement with right-wing. It
isn't. And so in the minds of most - this is just a
"liberal" bit. Mind blowing to me, and actually a
little concerning just how Comedy Central may view it.
How did this happen in our country? How did the
smallest of minorities (which the "birther/tea
party/glenn beck" movement is), get such a loud voice,
that those that aren't really paying attention - just
see that as "conservative". Therefore I have this
wildly partisan bit? That's not a partisan bit people.
If you don't think the "birther movement" is insane?
you're not paying attention.
And for the love
of fuck - it most certainly isn't CONSERVATIVE. BUSH
wasn't CONSERVATIVE. The fragmenting of this country
is just annoying as fuck. There used to be a time
where we could ALLLLLLLLLLL laugh at the crazies.
'Cause we weren't so caught up in neat little labels.
Whatever happened to crazy? Like, super-racist
rednecks that are losing their minds right now because
minorities are taking over? That's funny. Republicans
should think that's funny. You can't change the cold,
hard, truth that minorities will outnumber whites in a
few decades. That's your country. It's unchangeable.
And conservatives and liberals need to ostracize the
loony fringes, not prop them higher.
It's like the 9-11
truthers. There, there's a liberal whack-job group.
There are some holes in the 9-11 story, no doubt. I've
brought several up, but there is a line that is
crossed by the "truthers" that is so ridiculous that
it blurs the real issues. You need to make fun of
those people and discredit them, because they actually
HURT the search for truth. Same with the "birthers".
Obama's birth certificate, at one time, was actually
an interesting theory. But it got so filled with
racism, anger, hate... and was eventually so disproven
- that all that's left are the fucking crazies. This
isn't a democrat/republican issue as I'm NEITHER...
it's a sane/insane issue.
But I'm afraid
this bit got taken down for political reasons, and
Atom also won't promote it for the same reason -
'cause the "sexual" line just doesn't hold water with
all that's on both sites.
So I just
said fuck it and put it on "Funny or Die" because you
can embed, and the quality is slightly
I wrote to them to
see if they'd "promote" it, but I haven't
heard back - and now, the original hope of getting it
"viral" before the show is just done. Oh well.
I had it so well planned out, but really never thought
in a million years it would get taken down. Still
amazed at the reaction from Atom though... it actually
makes me concerned about "FOUR" for next year. They
seemed to really be on my side, but this was bizarrely
"cold" from them.
Yet, if everything
goes right with Comedy Central, that'll change
instantly. So just add that to the pressure on that
night. Heh.