<wince>. My
very own personal Paul McCartney moment. You know,
that moment I'm sure he's had when someone said:
"You were in a band before Wings?". It's the moment
you realize that yesterday, is yesterday. And at least
he wrote that.
So it was this
comment last year from someone online that made me
realize I had to put The Trinitrons online. Not
just the clips, but the full show. By the way, a
"Trinitron" was a type of Sony TV/monitor, thus,
The Trinitrons. Anyway, it stands as one of the most
impressive things I've ever accomplished and simply
put... I may never reach that level of technical
insanity again. You think editing 5 of the same guy on
a video clip is hard? Try performing it live. It
really takes repeat viewings, even for me now, to
realize/remember just how intricate this was.
I've broken it up
into 3 parts, and probably should've broken it up into
more as individual bits would generate more hits, but
the show breaks up into 3 acts so well that the writer
in me had to keep them together. I realize, these are
not short. This was a live show and absolutely not
meant for your computer screen... but it's the closest
you're gonna get and works surprisingly well on
opening act will always be my favorite.
There are things I like most about
each of the live shows over the others,
and for T1, this 10 minute un-edited
introduction is jaw-dropping to me. When
I finally put all the pieces together
and watched the 4 screens on my computer -
I nearly wet myself. It was magic. These
were 4 different people. Everything worked
from the colors to the time spent on the
hair and eyebrows (strangely, very little
make-up) - this first act made me believe
anything was possible.
course emotionally in terms of the actual
show, nothing beats the 2nd act - with the
absolute peak being Spencer's song. The
venue for this version was actually the
premiere and the way the audience dies
down JUST in time for the word "cock" to
blare out is legendary. I'll never forget
how I felt after this show. Absolutely on
top of the world.
the final act wrapping it all up that was
unfortunately always missing the
"clincher", Bob Saget. Charlotte was sure
we'd be able to get him to make the cameo
and I wrote and recorded that ending - but
alas it was never meant to be. Wow, 6
years later it was another
Bob (Barker) messin' up the end of a
bit for me. Bobs. Anyway, it's still an
OK ending, but Bob singing the Full
House song to Adam would've been perfect
and most likely would've added that extra
piece of credibility for more exposure.
It's hard for me to watch this ending and
not wonder "what-if".
& The Trinitrons was the biggest thing in the
world to me and my first true feeling of "making it"
on The Journey. The night that I played the Comedy
Store, and absolutely killed, is still one of the
greatest nights of my life.
For years it would
become the standard-bearer and several times in The
Journey I would ponder "Will I ever top the
Store?". It would be nearly 5 years until I did. As
many of you know the show did not get picked
for Aspen and was nearly unbookable because of the 30
minute running-time. Somehow, it's now a footnote but
you have to remember, at one time it was
everything. In fact - it was more
everything than The Egos are now. When it fell
through I lost it. I legitimately went over the edge
and it took years to recover from that. However that
recovery allowed me to sail through losing
substantially bigger things later on.
Sad that that's
necessary isn't it? Can you imagine telling that to
2002 Adam back then? "Hey, you can get through this...
and when you do, it will allow you to get through even
BIGGER devastations later!" <shakes head>
This business man... it will eat you
So that was "The
Egos" live (name changed for copyright reasons
before CBS) and there was never supposed to be a
sequel. Never. Silly word to utter in Hollywood isn't