Is this Behind The Music video going to be full length? I think its a great
idea. I loved the opening! I laughed loud.
Great video! Wow!
Love, Dad
PS - Hey Jess, very nice statement about Palaur. I really didn't think you had a problem
with it but I'm sure others probably wondered about your feelings.


> crossed. I also did a quickie UPS application
> because we simply HAVE to bring some money into this scenario
if you are talkingof united parcel service, i may have to kill you right now,
those are the guys i hate most above anybody, forget mass murders i hate UPS,
please oh please say you weren't serious. I hate them so much because
everything and i mean everything i have ever sent through them or received
has some how gotten FUBAR ed, a laptop with a bullet in it! unbelievable
good luck with the online radio,