Marty, sorry to hear that you might need to move back, are you sure you need
too. Janet and I are wondering if maybe someone there in the complex might
need a room-mate, or a cheap motel to tie you over until you might be able to
work things out. Get creative, put your mind to work and see what you come
up with.
Dad and Janet


Well.. Adam.. good luck! Hope things work out... Sorry things suck!!
Man.... I could never top that adam.... good luck on the job hunt.
Chris (Downtown Connection)
Well your trip is certainly an adventure now. Its too bad bad I am in
college, otherwise loaning you money would be no problem. If you need
anything let me know and I will see what I can do.
Hey Adam & Jess...
Man, what a totally depressing email. You sound like you can use
some words of encouragement. So here's a few, I hope they help.
Jess: you're one of the most ballsy, no-nonsense women I've ever met
(and this was an impression formed in the space of a mere 3 hours).
It's gonna take a hell of a lot more than a little adversity to bring
you down. Yeah, Lalaland ain't Columbus oHIo, but you struck me as
someone who could make Country Time fresh-squeezed out of the most
dried up old lemon (such as that old-lemon-colored refrigerator, for
Adam: you may or may not have read the review I put up on, so let me just reiterate some of the more salient parts.
Now, mind you, despite having some experiece in music and theater,
I'm a much better... oh, what's the word for it... impresario, I
think... than a performer, which means I know pure unadulterated
talent when I see it. If the rest of the entertainment business is
Mad Dog 20/20, you're fuckin' Dom Perignon 1929. You're the most
original and talented performer I've ever seen in my life. Your
creativity is amazing, your voice is gorgeous, and your act is great.
Just keep honing your instrument, and never forget what a great woman
you've got by your side; she'll see you through a world of adversity,
I guaran-fuckin-tee it.
So, from the bottom of the heart of a woman who decided to make music
her hobby rather than her profession, I know you're going to make it.
It won't be easy, but the things worth having never come easy. These
next few months are going to be hell, but just remind yourself what
great material they'll make for your next new set! I wish I had some
contacts I could hook you up with, but the best I could do would be
to put you in touch with a scientist (which probably won't do you any
good). It's a crazy world out there in LA, so never lose sight of
your midwestern sensibility and indestructibility -- just keep
reminding yourself that you're made of tougher stuff than those
sun-drenched boob-jobbed wannabes, and that in the end, you will
Someone in Illinois who's pulling for you as much as she can from
2000 miles away,
Things sound pretty bad. Definately not the plan. So there is no way to get
Marty on the list then? Don't know what to say. Maybe he could live in the


Sorry to hear about Moose, man.
If I had some extra cash, I'd send it
down. Interesting about the Fridge though...
Don't know if you're religious or not, but
hey...I'd take that as a gift from God.
The Lord will provide...
PS...And yes, Landlords are fucking pieces of shit.
Same EXACT situation happened to me in Buffalo NY about
10 years ago.
Mickey Blake just sent out a cookie jar.
Get me your address, brother.
I'll throw some cash to you.
Rich Henn
Adam & Jessica,
I got your e-mail about the refrigerator. That leakage you wrote about may
be the reason it was thrown out. If I was a doctor, and the refrigerator
was a patient, I'd go ahead and call the priest. (An old man's attempt at
humor...please excuse.) I'll have to get used to you in a new time zone.
It's a little wierd. Please feel free to make more videos. Kenny is really
enjoying it. I've been saving them and even backing them up on disks. (I'm
on the second one already, and I don't have much room left on it.) More
Love, Dad
I wish I could send more encouragemnet your way. I've already said that you
have ambition and persistence in spades. Just don't lose faith or vision of
the bigger picture. Good luck, Adam. There's A LOT of people here pulling
for you. You're kinda fullfilling dreams that a lot of people never had the
balls to follow. For that fact alone, you're already a hero.
You don't have to respond. I understand how busy you are. Just know that
we're thinking of you.
P.S. When are you sending your new address?
You've got balls man, but I also think you've got what it takes.
I'm sure you know that someone on the e-mail list is trying to set up a
little donation jar for you. That's a great idea, but I just don't send
money to some random person, no matter how good the cause. If you want to
give me your address out there, I'd be more than happy to lend you as much
of a hand as I can.
I'm living one of my dreams vicariously through you, so I want you to
succeed probably almost as much as you do. But you have to eat to live, and
live to succeed, so I'd like to help you out.
Chin up, bucko... As the old worn out cliche says: "it's always darkest
before the dawn."
Hey, what's your new address??
Eric (TVN Fan Member #15)
Ashtabula, Ohio
Hey, this is Ben. You remember, the guy who was going to build you that
computer. I'm sorry to hear about your luck man. I just wanted to let you and
Jess know that my prayers are with you man. Keep in touch.
hey adam what's up over there. well I guess you could be better. well, I thought about this and I'm sure someother then
me have thought too. that well. since you live an adventure that we all like in our life. so in part we are living it also with
you. well anyways I have been following and well... honestly I just want it to be a sucess! well here's the thing, the people
on your mailing list and me are more then likely to have a few bucks in our pockets. well I can get it to you by check or
something but... yeah anyways just an idea well man, untill you post again this is alex saying "laterz"
What's up back here? Well as promised I'm still trying for you. A friend,
David Bolon, knows Marty's brother (or Dad). He aske Dave if he could help
Marty and you (apparently not aware of Jess). Dave asked me if I had heard of
you. I fell off my chair pumped you up like the next superstar and gave him
one of the few remaining discs. His brother Tom (tim, he goes by both) has a
huge hook-up in L.A. I believe a high up label best friend. I'll keep
throwing you at Tim and he'll help you- he's a great guy and trusts my word
and taste. I'll let you know.