Whew, I'm tired just reading about it...
What a great first few days! Don't stop! Sooner or later the law of
averages will prevail. You've got it all going for you. Besides having all
your ducks lined up right, you have no negative baggage like booze and drug
problems, bitchy wives/girlfirends that are not supportive, mental hangups
about putting yourself in front of strangers, even if they do "kick &
receive", etc.. I love hearing about your exploits, so please, as often as
possible, let us know what's going on. I feel almost as energized as you. I
remember being that energized when I was younger. It's a great feeling,
Having the support of everyone back here (who matters, anyway) must be very
helpful too.
Hang in there you guys...it will happen. Of this I have no doubt.
Love, Dad



Adam, and Jess,
It sounds like you are working hard. Keep up the good work, and I am sure it
will pay off for you. Keep me posted on how things are going. I enjoy
reading your journal.