Adam and Jess,
I loved your b-day message to Kenny. He will to when he gets up! You guys
gotta keep the faith. I am sorry that yu heard about the Money jar, I
thought it would be a neat surprise for you to open a package and have all
this money come out but I can understand why people were hesitant. When I
read the e-mail from Micky I had new hope for people. It really touched
your dad and I - especially after we talked with her and found out she
doesn't even know you but was that impressed with your creative talents.
There is a God! Anyway - you guys have a ton of people pulling for you. I
have been reading THINK AND GROW RICH by Napolean Hill. I highly recommend
you pick up a copy. It really is great as far as keeping your mind. One
thing it tells you is to Burn your Bridges. That shocked me cause evryone
always told me to never burn a bridge. But - what they mean is never think
about going back to anything. Set your mind that this is what you are going
to do and that's that. Enough of my motivational bs.
Snow storm in Ohio today but I think we should miss it - hopefully. Let me
know if there is anything we can do to help out. Don't hesitate to call
collect anytime. We miss you two and think about you all the time. Keep
the faith. We have all the faith in the world in you. Be patient with
yourselves and good things will happen.
Lots of love to you both, - and J-Dog,
I know what it's like to receive help from other people. I understand the
range of emotions you feel: failure, shame, anger. I also remember how
it felt to still have that feeling of relief that you were getting help.
When I was in high school, we lost our house and had to more into a little
rinky dink apartment. A teacher put our name on the list of families to
receive food from the holiday canned food drive. The Saturday before
Christmas, all of the "preps" showed up at my door with some teachers and
food. I felt like complete shit. Some of them never let me live it down.
Still, we needed help.
Life deals us all pretty shitty hands. In the last year alone, two of my
children have been diagnosed with PDD/Autism and I have been diagnosed
with diabetes. (As you can imagine, $$$ have been stretched for me too.)
I can really appreciate your struggle, but I am happy that you are
reaching for your dream. Just think about all of those people who never
If things get worse. Really bad. You might want to try out the local
Catholic charities. I know, I know. Believe me though, they will treat
you with dignity and compassion, not pity. (I have first hand experience
with this). Just keep it in mind if you get to the point where you can't
afford that loaf of bread anymore.
Catholic Charities, 818-340-1528, 21600 Hart St, Canoga Park, CA
Jess sound like a great lady. I'm sorry I never got a chance to meet her
in Columbus. I'm happy that you've found love again (she's gotta love you
to be there with you). Its always easy to take out our frustrations on
the one's we love. I know that you need the money for other reasons, but
I think you should take some aside, for "fun" money. Take her out on a
date, spend $100 to wine and dine her, she sounds like she's worth it. No
matter how poor you are, or get to be, treat yourselves to something. I
don't think any of your listners who are/will send you money would
begrudge you a romantic evening with the future mother of your children.
Take care,
> Oh, and Mickey all the love in the world to you for that letter. If
>you don't mind I'm gonna post it on the site.
Thanks, Adam, just doing my part. I feel a little guilty that I haven't
gotten my own check in the mail to you yet (being a little sidetracked
by moving), but now that I've got your address, I should drop it in the
mail in a day or two.
As I said in the email I sent out (which you're more than welcome to
post if you like), as a performer I was mediocre to ok at best, but I
still have a keen eye for talent, which was why I spent half of your
show kicking ideas for promoting you around with Jess. Speaking of, she
and I still haven't gotten to finish that conversation... If you want to
let me know when you get your phone hooked up (between your financial
situation and the wonders of Pacific Hell, I imagine it'll be a while),
I have some really good ideas of markets for you to target (eek, I sound
so business-y). Barring that, if you want to arrange by email a time
when I'll be around and you'll be around, you guys could call me collect
or something. Barring that, we can just kick around email, since it's
the cheapest of all the above options.
Hang in there!
When Mickey first contacted everyone, I wasn't sure what to do. Hell, I
wasn't even sure of her gender. I scanned her e-mail and somehow missed the
part in the e-mail that would have tipped me off to her being a woman.
Anyway, I e-mailed her back and gave her my phone number so that she could
call and somewhat verify who I was. She also gave me her phone number in
Chicago. She was quite impressed with you and wanted to do something. I
"donated" my PO Box but wanted to stay anonymous because I wanted people to
think that I was just another listener and not someone closer to you. I
told Mickey to have people send it to "piano with a twist" so those that
knew me would know that it was legit. It also would have gotten the process
started sooner. I was afraid that people knowing it was your Dad might turn
them off to the idea or maybe make them think that I put Mickey up to it.
In any case, Lonna and I wanted to stay anonymous. I had talked to you
earlier that day trying to get a sense of whether or not you wanted
everyone on your mailing list to have your home address. It sounded like
you weren't ready for that so I used "Plan B". (Plan A was to give out your
What a shock that $500 check must have been. You've obviously created some
pretty loyal fans in a very short time. Was the check from someone you knew
I understand your frustration. When there's someone lse in the picture as
well, it's sometimes easier to let it out on them rather than deal with it
internally. That's certainly no fun for them and it does make you feel bad,
but it happens. Jessica will grow stronger in the long run and understand
how to deal with this sort of thing when it happens. And it's going to
happen...many times. Try to remember what it is your working towards and
when the times getting this frustrating, just stop what you're doing and
re-focus. THe preverbial "take a deep breath" is more than just a works.
Well, the little icon that tells me I'm going to get disconnected from the
internet has flashed a couple times so I better get this to you.
By the way, I think Lonna has agreed to us getting a camera lens for the
top of our monitor and since I already have a microphone, (no shit!), I
think we can get this going. I'll start looking for the program a.s.a.p..
Love, Dad
Adam (and Jess),
I got your voicemail, but it was late, even with the time change. That's why
I didn't call. Please don't make too big of a deal about it. You might make
me cry too. I'll never mention it again, and you don't need to either. Act
like you found it. Someday when people are paying big bucks to see you and
ticket brokers are raping people over getting good seats, you can get me good
seats, but I'll still pay for the tickets. Deal? I would like to get a few
"demo" type tapes from you when you get a chance, I have a few people I would
like to show you to (via tape I mean). Do you remember when I bought cd's at
the comic store (laughing ogre?)? and I had you sign the ones I had already
bought, and I bought another set and had you sign them to "Rachel"? Well,
Rachel lives so close to where you are right now you wouldn't believe it (or
maybe you would..haha she's in Woodland Hills). She is having some problems
with severe headaches lately, but when she is better she wants to see you
perform, so let me know of gigs you get out there. I've also asked her to
think of any places or people she knows to help you get a gig. I also want
you guys to meet my cousins out there (very close to you also, in West Hills)
they have been employed by Disney and still do work for Disney, and many
other companies, and are very creative people, and are very "connected". Jim
got his start and made a name for himself right out of art school by doing
album covers for several well known artists (Jackson Brown, Lawyers in Love,
to name one.) I could write forever, I tend to blab a little too much in
emails, and I have work to do, so I'll end it here. Just keep one thing in
mind when you meet people, and people like me and others tell you who they
know: It's not who you know, it's what they know about you. (that came from
Woody Hayes)
Keep up the good work. I'm coming out to see you perform sometime in 2000.
Keep your spirits Adam, and remember no matter how down things are looking,
you have the support of hundreds of devoted fans thinking of you.
All the Westerville Guys


Actually, I'm in Hilliard. I sent you some emails before asking who the heck you were but now I know and I wanted to drop
you a line. Since you were a part of the Columbus music scene, I think you'd know what I'm talking about when I say
Magnolia Thunderpussy. Well, that is my parents store,(Yea, go us) they're the origional owners from 1969. I know
there's a point to this... I'm at school right now and I'm bored so I checked my mail... Oh yeah! Baically, When they started
out, they had just moved FROM california (Long story I can't explain. Why would anyone move to ohio when they lived
across the street from the mommas and the poppas and down the road from Joni Mitchell) anyway, they started out with
nothing. They were broke and picking though the trash and they were very much in debt working their asses off at the
store. But that's what they wanted to do, they didn't compromise what they loved (music, independence, hell, it was the
60s...) they didn't settle for a lame life just because they wanted the new car, and look at us now. We're more successful
than we could have dreamed of,and I'm very very thankful. I'm a spoiled only child now, so I'll probably go though one hell
of a hardship when I get out on my own, like my parents, like my 2 best friends that just got their own place, and like people
like you, who have something to offer the world and arn't going to give up (right? If you give up I'll seek you out and beat
you down... Down with corporate america!! mwahahaha!!!)
it's time for me to go to lunch now
Keep in touch and best of luck
Charlotte Kubát