Entry #14
2:04 AM - January 30th, 2000
Shit. That's about all I can say right now. Since my life seems to have a knack for being dramatic lately, I guess we should have a flashback...
It's the summer of 1985...
I'm diggin' Michael Jackson, and Billy Joel....
I'm at my grandmother's swimming pool being a moron and screwing around on the waterslide....
I slip, crack my tooth on the slide and BAM, half my tooth is in the water....
NOOO, I can't just KNOCK it out, I half to sever it in half. My nerve is all hangin' out, pretty cool actually. Well I get a a nice little bond and all is good. If you look really close you can see the line, but for the next 15 years of my life - no biggie. Right, right...of course until tonight:
YouTube link added 12.20.07
Chillin' watchin' TV and I push my bottom teeth against my top teeth and SNAP. I jump up (because for the last 15 years this act wasn't cause for this such a sound), run to the mirror and yup, I felt like I was 9 again. Now there's no nerve because roughly 4 years ago I had a root canal (Another great story...get an abcessed tooth ON THE AIR doing talk, all because of this original BOND, and ALL because when I was 9 I was a moron) so I'm in no type of pain, but I'd rather have broken my leg then this.
So now what? I'm the male equivalent of Jewel in a town that only cares about looks. Fix it? RIGHT. As you all know we're ROLLIN' in it right now. Oh and Jess's benefits don't kick in for another 85 days.
Presumably I just deal with it for a few months and go from there. But I really can't imagine anyone taking me serious looking like this. I know it's superficial, but it's like having bad english when interviewing for a teaching position. Nothing like going to a talent agency and hearing their reaction...
"Oh, so you're from O-HI-O...(snicker, snicker)...and you want to be a SING-ER"
What a bitch. It's like one thing after another. I can only imagine what you at home must think. Do you think I stage all this to keep it interesting? I mean I honestly have wondered what the hell I'm gonna do to keep this entertaining, but somehow shit like this continues to pop-up. Or off, whatever the case may be. This is ridiculous...
Man, if I could yodel and had big boobs I'd be rich...
For now, you can all laugh at the video of everyone in this city's impression of "Adam from O-HI-O"...
This is Karma for making fun of West Virginia all those years I just KNOW it...
Jess & Adam
original video file