- 11:35 AM, Monday,
February 14th, 2022:
- This is one of the
more meta entries within these walls...
- I think it only
took a couple years of The Journey for me to think
about future kids reading it... but what I didn't
really think about was how much the videos themselves
would permeate their self-awareness - since they, too
would inadvertently be part of it. For
- We routinely have
"Journey nights" where we just pop around in folders
marked for the year and pick our favorite Journey
movies. That's how the kids connect with their early
childhood. And when we stumble back before they were
born they're just as excited. Journey movies are
pretty much all tightly edited, music... it's kind of
like their own TV show. So their relationshp with
the project is very much THEIRS. Because we're all so
close... this now belongs to the family. Of course
it's still "me" centered in how I write it... often
I'm not even in the family videos because I'm holding
the camera... but that just means it's MY memories,
and my perspective. It's interesting how it's all
- What I wasn't
ready for was this...
- It's deep with
Cam. Like he really, really, really feels things and
almost takes it personal. "Don't do that to my dad!!"
And The Journey Vol. 1 is fucking excrutiating. It
almost defies belief that Volume 1 and Volume 2 will
be so polar opposite. How one meeting at a goddamned
coffeeshop not only makes my life better, but makes it
UNRECOGNIZABLE is just looney. Like, Fastest Delorean
is the only negative thing from Volume 2. 10 years.
Which ironically is why Fastest Delorean "works" so
well: it's legit heartbreak and drama. Volume 2 is
kind of like the Don sections of Fastest Delorean 2:
we're just happy and having fun. Not sure Volume 2 is
going to be a good movie LOL. Kids will like it...
anyway, I digress.
- Cam for whatever
reason thinks those first ten years are important.
Like, I knew both kids would love The Egos. And
we watch a lot of them... but Vienna saw The Journey
movie once and was like "damn, that was intense." and
is cool not watching it again because it's sad. Not
Cam. He wants to hear every song, he just CONNECTS.
I just don't know how to explain it... and I keep
imaginging people reading this going: "Yeah, it's
your son. Duh." but Vienna is proof that it isn't just
an offspring thing. And the crazy part is, Vienna is
more likely to follow in my footsteps creatively (at
this point), yet she hasn't latched on the way Cam
has. It's all very fascinating and I'm not really
proclaiming anything about it, I just feel like
it needs to be documented. Ya know? Year 23, sometimes
you just put things in stone because you're supposed
- Only later will we
know what it meant...
- Adam