- 3:00 PM, Sunday,
September 22nd 2019:
- Wow.
- A nearly
impossible entry to write publicly so I guess
I'll make another entry tomorrow with the ACTUAL
truth. Well the uncensored truth. Hmmm. God
I hate this shit. Vague version:
- This is my
reaction to getting a phone call that something I lost
a couple months ago (what all those locked entries
were about) was being reinstated. What's left out is
the toll the last two months has taken on me and
Talya. We were both part of this whirlwind, both
spinning, both trying to figure out what happened and
getting nowhere. What was reinstated doesn't fix any
of that. That will always be this strange event that
we can barely explain to people because it seems so
crazy they think we're leaving shit out. However, what
was reinstated does indeed "right" a "wrong" that came
from those events and takes the sting of this summer
out of everything. It also probably means I'll be
gaining weight now. LMAO. But, oooh, I can't
until... DAMNIT. I just can't tell anything man. This
is annoying.
- Maybe
- But I can say
this: there's a saying that there's three sides to
every story, your side, their side and the truth. Ya
know who says that? People that WANT their to be
three sides. People that KNOW they're just telling
their side and they want to bring down your side. It's
a common ploy. The truth makes someone look bad so
they literally lie to cover their ass and then when
they get caught? "Hey man, there's three sides to
every story."
- No, there fucking
isn't. There is the truth. And if you work
REALLY REALLY HARD at being self-aware? You
can find that pretty quickly. If you are aware of your
own human nature that can sometimes cause you to color
things in a different light so you look better? You
can avoid doing that. That's honestly what this site
is all about: just showing it all. Having egg on my
face. 20 years of failures with a few successes here
and there. Being honest is my religion. I believe
that if you focus on constantly taking your bias out
of situations and collecting facts you will rise above
so, much, bullshit.
- This situation
however, I was dealing with 3 people that brought
their own issues into a situation run by someone with
ulterior motives. So bullshit doesn't even start to
describe it: it was absolute chaos with no one
involved reading the literal proof of how the
puppeteer was manipulating things. One person though,
did read it. Which eventually lead to this phone call
today and it's why I reacted like this. Christ this is
- ...but as
I said in the video: no matter how much you are
pressured to admit to things that are untrue or to lie
about events to "keep the peace"... don't do it. Ever.
Tell the truth. Not your truth, tell every single fact
you know no matter how bad it makes you look and don't
change anything. The truth is all that will ever
matter. Even had I never received this call it's all
that would ever matter. Truth does set you
- And this time it
won. Whew.
- Adam