- 5:32 AM, Sunday,
July 1st, 2018:
- It's an early
morning in Paris and I'm up once again before everyone
because for whatever reason I can't sleep. It's
crazy - did like 40 straight hours awake and then
slept for THREE last night and now only 4 or 5? Oh
well, it'll make jet lag better when we get home if I
don't get on a good sleep schedule out
- So where do
I start. I probably start with the video
that will be uploaded from LA and then explain it all
more in depth...
- So that day was
far more nerve-wracking than I say in the video. We
get to the theater and the owner says the DCP file
won't work because it's 30fps. Needs to be 24. Well
even if I knew that I couldn't change that
very well because converting DOWN is a mess. Blah blah
blah, technical shit you don't care about... but they
could easily play it off a laptop which they won't.
Why? Because if something goes wrong and they've taken
everyone's money it'll cause a big drama.
WELL HERE'S YOUR DRAMA. So the guy did
agree to run it off a laptop so we went back to the
loft to get Gerome's laptop as
my charger to my laptop. I'm typing on my iPad right
now. What, the, fuck, Adam. We get everything and go
back and wouldn't you know? The DCP file runs fine
after he loaded it. The only issue I have is it's
really, really hot in the very small theater. But?
everywhere right now. A crazy heat-wave and a bunch of
old buildings not even remotely used to this type of
But people came, they watched and they GOT IT.
Most of these people are Delorean owners so they
FELT every frame of that fucker. The gasps and
groans. Kenny's texts get AUDIBLE groans from the
crowd. They cheer when I get the record. I
actually forgot how intense the scenes are. You just,
want, that, poor, fucker to get some good news. You
know? So strange that I'm talking about
- And afterwards,
just hanging with everyone... and knowing that they
actually know me a bit better. Harry is awesome and I
was so relieved that he was so down-to-earth and
approachable... but there was a bit of concern that
HE was thinking "And why is he here?". He
probably wasn't... but he got to see why. We talked
about the sequel and it was just a nice night.
Exhausted but nice. Then we came back and sang and
played until we couldn't move. Talya and I jumped
in the pool. The pool INSIDE the loft. We're in some
strange hazy dream that's kinda like before we had
kids and kinda like after the kids have left. Very
hard to place in our brains.
- And it's her
birthday today. I feel kind of bad because
although we toasted her and we're all talking about
the fact that it's her birthday weekend - clearly this
isn't specifically ABOUT her which kinda sucks. I
mean, we're not very big birthday people AT ALL,
but I do wish there was more time to do something
specific with her. Tonight is a fancy dinner, which
again, fucking awesome on your birthday, but it's an
event for everyone to gawk at Don and Harry. Ya know?
Very surreal.
- Alright. More
coffee is needed.
- Adam