- 7:27 AM, Saturday,
December 30th, 2017:
- Still trying to
wrap my head around announcing something that won't
come out until 2019. Most likely well into 2019, to
boot. That's a lot of work. Let me get to the
- I actually
announced this on Facebook earlier in the month, but
obviously needed a video here... which meant walk
cycles. Which meant a pixel perfect portion of
GolfKon. Which meant... hours. Am I out of my
mind? Am I really trying to do this by
- Dude, who else
would help? How could I even pay someone at this
stage? So the answer is absolutely, yes I'm doing this
by myself. And to be clear? The majority of this year
will be doing the art and story. So, so, so, so much
of this can be done without a lick of coding that I
might as well knock it out. I'm ahead of myself
though... what lead to all of this?
- Three things
happened last month that planted this idea in my head
and I really needed all 3. First: a game called
Stardew Valley was released on The Switch. Same
SNES graphical style. You own a big unruly farm
and you clean it up, plant some shit, meet some people
and level up, etc. Charming, disarmingly deep (deeper
than I'll ever touch, but impressive nonetheless)
and although it's kind of a rip-off of Harvest Moon, I
adored it. Never played Harvest Moon, just know of it,
so it was all new to me. I say rip-off because it
borrows nearly every gameplay mechanic and graphical
style so heavily it makes your skin crawl, but
apparently that's just the genre? I guess video
games work differently than movies, because if this
was a screenplay, mofo would be SUED. Either way -
game is fun. Put 50 freaking hours into it kind of
- Second, a game
called Golf Story came out. Same graphical style, but
I didn't really like it. Was surprised because
I thought it would be the other way around. These
are all independent titles that you download onto your
switch. From $5-15. You don't expect the $60
masterpiece - you accept a bit of a risk for
supporting the independent developers.
- Then finally,
Animal Crossing was released for the iPad and
I downloaded that for Vienna. She enjoyed it and
while she was playing and learning what to do,
I was thinking of the other two titles and
I just said to myself: I should make a GolfKon
video game where you build GolfKon and then play it.
That night I downloaded a few more independent
titles and played Stardew Valley imagining it was my
backyard. Could it work? Would it be fun?
- Ya know what the
biggest hurdle was? The idea of how unbelievably
arrogant this idea is. Like, I dropped it for
nearly a week because I just couldn't stomach it.
At first I figured you'd play as me which was
just... too much, man. I'm not fucking Mario, it seems
wrong. Then I remembered about the time the house
next to me was for sale and I kinda wanted to buy
it to knock down the wall and make a big-ass back
yard. What if someone moved into it while I was
building GolfKon and made their own minigolf course to
compete with me? Oooooooh.
- This is when I
started to get that 4tvs feeling. All the mechanics
started coming to me, how you'd level up your
character, the tools you start with and the better
ones you work towards as you make each section. The
idea being you help me with GolfKon and as things get
accomplished in my yard, you gain the experience to
make your own holes in your yard. So you're forced to
help GolfKon in order to make your own yard and once
you get to 9 holes? It becomes a competition. That
asshole Adam keeps adding shit
these tournaments and people come over and you can do
the same. Of course you can just play in his
tournaments and hang out during the events, but
inevitably you find ways and people that will help you
do imaginative and creative things with your own
course. And that is the mechanic that will drive the
game long after things are built: it's still a
minigolf game. You're still trying to get the best
score and win tournaments and you have the ability to
download other people's games into your neighborhood
and play their courses. Inevitably there will be far
better courses than GolfKon and you'll be able to not
only play them, but your score will go on their course
once you do. Permanently.
- It's kind of what
I had hoped GolfKon would inspire: other people to
build their own backyard shit and raise money for
charity. That's very hard. Video games are very fun...
so maybe, this works.
- To be honest, the
more I thought about it, the more it felt like
that's all this ever was: a video game. I always
joke that my life is like a comic book, but it's far
more random than that. It's like a game console and
every month/year is a new game. This just happens to
be a chapter of my life that works really well in this
RPG genre. Oh and to those who don't know (kind
of thinking of my parents right now) an RPG is a
"Role-Playing Game" that involves some form of
leveling up. Meaning your character starts at a 1 in
several categories and over time gains levels in those
categories by playing the game. Which in turn allows
them more access to the game's better tools, better
events, etc. Usually it's an adventure game where your
ability to do damage when you attack levels up or the
ability to NOT take damage when you're attacked levels
up, etc. They involve some circular system where the
more you do A, the more B you get to help out your C
which is used to do A. As long as A is kinda fun,
you're motivated to get more B because you really want
C to make A faster and more efficient. In the
aforementioned Stardew Valley you have a hoe, a
watering can, an axe for chopping wood, etc. They
initially take a lot of whacks and use a lot of your
energy to achieve certain tasks but as you make money
and gain experience you can upgrade those tools.
Pretty soon you're knocking shit out left and right
and what sounds like the
strangely addicting.
- I always look at
it this way when it comes to games like these: there's
a part of my brain that wants order. It wants
efficiency, and it loves the organization of it all...
but in real life? That's really fucking hard. I try.
But I often fail. For a few hours in this video game?
I can tidy up my yard in a matter of seconds or
minutes. Then build something. At any time I can
save the game and go back to real life but whenever
I turn on Stardew Valley now? Shit's working.
I've got sprinklers that water my yard now without me
doing shit. I pick the fruit/vegetables and sell it
for a bunch of money. Buy shit. There's order. It's
nice. There's a whole town of people to talk to
(something that I don't personally get into much,
though I did marry some girl - lol) and it does feel
alive. But what I love? I love working towards
the better tools to do what I want to do faster,
more efficiently and organize my yard the way I want.
Excuse me, my farm. I think you can see where this is
- The stuff with
GolfKon writes itself. At the end of the day, GolfKon
is just wood, deck screws, deck stain, cement and
greens. That's it! I purposely made everything the
same for one reason: it all feels like GolfKon and it
all feels like it's always been there. No matter what
I add-on, as long as I use the same stuff?
It's GolfKon. That's really the secret: if your design
elements vary too much? You destroy the brand. And for
a videogame? IT'S PERFECT. So the tools are very
clear. Screw drivers, saws, shovel for mixing cement
(ooh maybe you can upgrade to shit I never got!
LOL Fucking lucky bastards), paint brushes, etc. It's
very clear, very simple. On your own yard of course
the sky will be the limit as for design and colors,
etc... but the magic will be that you still have to
use the base foundation of wood, deck screws, deck
stain, cement and greens. It's a backyard, not an
amusement park. There will be some limits, but those
limits are where the real creativity comes in: when
playing other people's courses you realize they found
a way to make A with the SAME PIECES YOU HAD
and that feeling of "how the fuck did this dude make
this?" will come in. That's what I have to nail.
That's the only way this game works: that design
element has to be balanced to the point where it's
based in some reality or it's no longer fun. But I
control all of that so there's no one to blame but
Let me also say that I look at this entire
project as "The Great American Novel". This is my one
shot. I will not become a videogame maker. There will
not be sequels, this will be MY GAME. There will
probably be updates forever, but this will be me and
that's it. If it takes me 4 years, it will take me 4
years. It has to be right, it has to be balanced and I
have zero deadline to meet forcing me to release
anything before it's ready. That being said?
I also think there's a good chance this makes
actual money. LOL. Like, most of my ideas don't
because that's not the point. But this is one area
where extreme competence does indeed pay off. The
indy-gaming market is pretty golden these days and
there's so much shit that gamers CLAMOR for the
special stuff. One dude made Stardew Valley and people
lost their minds. I've never seen a game better
reviewed or better received that wasn't a HUGE 1st
Party multi-million dollar release. It can be done,
but that dude worked by himself for 4 years on every
detail. He's insane like me. The only reason
I believe I can do it in just under 2 is
that he created a town full of people with tons of
dialogue, backstories and I just won't have that. What
will take me the bulk of time will be the coding after
nearly a year of creating the pixel art. I know
nothing about coding and although there seem to be
some great programs out there to make games, it's
still a new world. Then again, so was pixel art and
HOLY SHIT was I taken aback by how hard
that was.
- There's no filter
for that shit. Getting my face right took days. Days
people. And I'm still not completely set. Every single
pixel in that face was changed multiple times. The
issue here is that I'm trying to make recognizeable
people with 15 pixels across. Also? I want some art
style. I need to make them look different than
other pixel art but also clearly my own. Ya need to
look at them all and say they belong. Eventually
everyone at GolfKon will be a character and I'm hoping
to get the Hats & Minigolf guests to agree to be
in it. So I tried to make Don...
- And, well, it
works. I like the art style. Slightly big heads
but enough room for details so I can make
recognizeable versions. Please note that fucking
Delorean took me 11 hours. People think it's some
photoshop filter and man, it really, really isn't.
Sure you use a real picture (or several) to start with
but it's for scale. In fact scale was the single
hardest thing about doing this to start with. For
example, stardew Valley is REALLY zoomed out, but
for GolfKon, I just couldn't afford the lack of
detail for these holes so I had to choose it
zoomed in. Zooming in however also allowed faces to
have some more detail. Most faces are about 10 pixels
across, mine are 15-18. If your goal is to make it
recognizeable there's a line you just can't cross
before it becomes unrecognizeable. 15 is about it. And
to be honest? Don and I are bad examples because
we have very recognizeable features that make
caricatures easy: I have a goatee and dark
eyes/eyebrows. He has dreadlocks and a smile you can
see from a mile away. The real test will be everyone
- Anyway,
I leave this for a bit while I finish up the
documentary but it's happening. I'm very excited. I'm
very happy I made GolfKon. It's VERY awesome
to be making something in a video game and be able to
walk outside and see EXACTLY how big it is for scale
purposes. That's pretty cool. The other cool thing?
I have all these statistics and numbers for all
the holes. I know how they're supposed to play.
I can make a pretty perfect recreation of the
course in videogame form and if I can nail that
feel? Then the user-created courses will work. But
man, I really have to nail some depth to these 9
holes or the whole thing is broken.
- Lots of challenges
coming. Cannot believe what I'm getting myself into.
I think I know the topic of my new year's
entry now...
- Adam