- 1:08 PM, Thursday,
September 28th 2017:
- Vienna,
- 500 entries ago
you were born. Remarkably, 1275 mixed the years of our
births (2012, 1975) and 5 years later all I can
do is shake my head at what has transpired. I
presume you'll read this many years down the road so
I'll let you know what I'm presently dealing
- ...TK.
- I am the opposite
of most parents when it comes to September Birthdays
that miss the cut. I'm royally pissed off you were
held back because truth be told? You not only could be
in Kindergarten now, you could be in 1st grade. Your
push to learn is striking. You know you can read and
you want more tools to read more and we're all
hesitant to give them to you because it's only gonna
make your
IN TK even worse. You're going through each
letter of the alphabet...
You could do that before you were 2. This is just
immensely painful for me.
That being said? It doesn't really matter. You'll
excel no matter what, there is no award at the end of
college and socially, you're indeed growing leaps and
bounds and enjoying that aspect of school. There is a
tiny part of me that realizes with your fragile
self-esteem, always being the smartest kid will
probably help you whereas an epic struggle with
something in the 1st grade now would harm you. But
again, I don't want you to SKIP a grade, I just want
you in Kindergarten where you'd fit in fine. Oh well.
Hopefully next year at this time I... no, hopefully in
TWO YEARS when you're freaking 7 I'll have gotten
over this. LOL.
- I also feel
the need to say that for this specific project, our
relationship will be more difficult to communicate
than with Cam. I'm going to continue to find ways to
make that right, because I know that presently his
outgoing personality is just sooooooooooo perfect for
a video blog. I've had conversations with you Vienna
that are so far beyond your years and it means so much
to me that I'm tearing up as I'm typing this.
I am sooooooooooooo fucking excited for you and
what you're going to accomplish. There isn't a lot of
doubt around how you're going to turn out in my
mind... which is why I'm having a hard time holding
you back: I WANT YOU TO SOAR. You
will. In time.
- You also adore me
right now. That's pretty great. I'm fully aware every
single night that those moments may be limited and as
you're reading this you may hate me for some reason or
another. I also hold out the tiniest bit of hope that
you'll be mature enough to understand my perspective.
Because holy shit you seem to be mature enough NOW to
do that, and according to every developmental guide to
children I read you should NOT be able to do that. You
remind me so much of myself. Believe it or not
I was EXTREMELY shy when I was your
age. I think only around my mom was I able
to be goofy and sing, etc. Around 7, 8, 9 I grew
out of that and never looked back, but watching your
cautious moments remind me of how I felt. It's
pretty wonderful.
- Everything is
pretty wonderful. Remember that when you read this
again: we adore you, we adore Cam and almost nightly
Mama and I tell each other how happy we are. We
feel luckier than anyone we've known. I hope you feel
- Love you, love
you, love you,
- Dada
- PS - Oops! Almost
forgot your song!