- I presume
this will plateau around 200,000 unless it does
actually get on Tosh.0 at which point it will easily
surpass a million. Then again, ya never know. Some
things do organically grow over time. But alot of it
is distribution. Simple as that. All of my viral
"hits" took work. Posting on message boards, bumping,
emailing to press, etc. Every once in awhile I do
a video I think is worthy of that. Kinda nice to see
someone else do the work. And hey - I get to set up a
"money for flights to LA" fund for my momma.
Interesting wrinkle in copyright law: if you shot it
you own it. Doesn't matter if it's not you in the
video. For legal purposes, surely you want to get
permission - but all the licensing people care about
is who shot it and who owns it. They pay THAT person,
period. It's up to you to do good by the subject, etc.
Which of course, in this case - she gets it all. LOL.
Sheeeeeeeeeeeit, she's a star in that video. I'm
honestly just happy to spotlight her sense of humor
and how her brain works. She's blisteringly funny at
her best. Outside of the box thinking... and actual,
real, timing. "There's a scar on her knee" is improv
at it's finest. Man, I need to repost our conversation
from 2013. I hate doing that, but shit - 100
entries a year, I get one easy
- Whew. Love that.
It's hitting me why I'm so comfortable doing
interviews with celebrities even with difficult
subject matter: it's how my mom talked to me my whole
life. Matter-of-fact, honest and absolutely zero
concern for the repercussions of that honesty. Oh, I
have it while EDITING said conversation... but that's
because now I'm a viewer. In the moment I'm just that:
in the moment. In the George Wendt interview I end
with a piece basically calling him old and
out-of-touch. It's done somewhat tongue-in-cheek...
but there's a familiarity to the exchanges that isn't
fucking there! I had met him 30 minutes prior.
It's this weird skill I guess I never put my
finger on and frankly? It will hamper my career. There
are absolutely subjects that will NEVER do an
interview like this. It's a power play and they demand
some respect and I absolutely have respect for
them... but you can't have a real conversation like
that. It turns into a Tonight Show conversation where
you're just lobbing up a set of 5 questions they know
are coming so they can do their shtick. I can't
do that. I mean, if I had to I could
play the part, it's just another job, but there's no
passion there for me. I always imagine eventually
having a discussion with Obama in this manner. You
just say at the beginning: "If I actually process
who you are, I'll be in the fetal position so I'm
gonna stick to what we have in common: we're both
dads." ...and just go from there. It might seem
disrespectful but the end result would feel more
organic. Ok, rambling.
- Anyway - it's
Christmas Eve and Talya and I are going to the Rams
game and then watching Christmas stuff with the kiddos
tonight!!!! YAYYYYYYYY. Haven't been this excited
for Christmas since I was 7 or 8. Soooooooooooo
- Merry
- Adam
- 12/27 UPDATE: Had
to throw these last two in 'cause they were so