- 12:45 PM,
Thursday, December 4th, 2014:
- I just have to
come out and say it. This video is an absolute LIE.
This is Facebook Life vs. Real life. These were the
ONLY moments that Vienna and Cameron were near
each other where she wasn't SCREAMING at him. We're in
that phase man. NO BABY NO is screamed
ad infinitum all day long. That poor little bastard is
so happy to see her and she shrieks like he's the
antichrist. For no reason. He's sitting. It's
- ...but for a few
moments during the FOUR HOURS of this recording
it's ADORABLE. So I post this...
- ...and the biggest
reason I post that (other than the game was such a
blow-out it was boring)? Why I don't show "the truth"?
I don't want to embarass Vienna. I will save a
version for comparison's sake down the road just
because that's what I do, but this is where the father
in me jumps in and wants to protect Vienna because her
behavior is slightly beyond two. If I had
to venture a guess? This is the "Terrible Twos" mixed
with a kid who is extremely bright. That leads her to
literally envision things a certain way before a
situation occurs and react to her own thought as
opposed to having a meltdown about what's actually
happening. Meaning, she pictures the carpet clear of
everything but 2 toys, she walks in and sees Cameron
sitting on that carpet and proceeds to shriek at the
top of her lungs because it isn't the way she imagined
it. Whereas most 2 year olds overreact to say, being
told "no" or something breaking or falling...
Vienna has it already figured out and nothing can get
in her way or she breaks down. It's rough because for
the time being, until she has a little better grasp on
her emotions, there's not a lot we can do other than
separate her so she can take a breather (which usually
works) and stay disciplined on that.
- Of course, Cameron
is also our kid too and goddamn it's hard to see
someone scream at your child when they're that young.
He goes from elated to just crying. If this was some
other kid doing this to your child you would never go
near them again, but alas - it's his sister. And they
have to share a room. Whew. This has happened ever
since he could crawl (7-8 months) and we're hoping it
passes. Know as well? There are often good chunks of
hours where she is wonderful and playful with him...
because that's what she wants right then. She still
acts bossy and needs her way - but it's the everyday 2
year old stuff. It's fascinating to watch her mind
work, but of course there is concern with just how
much of this shrieking and screaming at him is
"normal" or something a bit more. We just won't know
for now. I've never really cared about "normal" and as
I always say about childhood development "It's not a
problem until it's a problem", but this is inching
into the problem territory if only for Cam's sake. How
long until he reacts with punching or biting? How much
can you scream at an infant/toddler before they have
their own issues? Welcome to Parenthood.
- That game however,
was ridiculous and the Playoff committee really had no
choice but to include the Buckeyes. Not even as a
homer, you absolutely screw yourself by not having a
conference championship. Plus, Baylor beat TCU in the
head-to-head and the commissioner named them
co-champions? Even though their by-laws said
tie-breakers go to the head-to-head match-up? He kind
of boned Baylor by that move and cause the
clusterfuck. Throw-in a shut-out against a very
strong Wisconsin team who I was actually nervous
to play with our 3rd string quarterback? It's a
no-brainer. Of course it should be 8 teams but for
now, 4 is better than 2. We can beat Alabama. No
doubt. We may have some trouble with Oregon - but man,
all 4 teams are great and I cannot wait to see
these match-ups.
- Alright! Looks
like we're doing Disneyland THIS week and the
great diet of 2015 is now starting a bit early because
I need to lose some weight before I start my diet
because? Thanksgiving. Holy, fuck. I gained 10 pounds
in 10 days people. I'm just that good.
- :-) But I'm pretty
happy. Will be a lot happier once I start getting
back to my fighting weight.
- Adam