- 1:10 PM, Tuesday,
January 7th, 2014:
- Part of me has
been excited about this moment. That moment when your
kid is old enough to throw a full-out temper tantrum
test of wills... and that kid has me as a dad.
A dad who will absolutely stop the car and turn
around. Who will absolutely LEAVE DISNEYLAND when
that shit starts. A dad who is excited about getting
up at a restaurant if a kid won't sit down and
leeeeeeeeeeave. I keep my word. I will never make idle
threats and if you think you can yell longer than
I can ignore you?
- Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit.
- Now I know
what most of you must be thinking: this has to do with
jealousy with Cam, etc. And in almost any other
household I would hand you that baton. However the
truth is? Vienna's life has had zero effect from
Cameron since we basically split the house up and she
rarely even sees him. I've moved into the den and am
on full-time "single-daddy" duty, while Talya spends
most of her time "sleeping when the baby sleeps" with
said baby in the bedroom. She pokes her head out with
Cameron in the afternoon and evening, and Vienna
pretty much looks at him, signs "baby" and smiles...
then goes about her business. This is a luxury of
having two parents at home during this period - it
makes the transition a bit easier.
- However, about a
month before Cameron got here, Vienna most certainly
started the "terrible two" stage a bit early.
Doing some research I found that often kids hit
that stage pretty hardcore at 18 months and go for a
year or so. She's a bit early, but in so many of her
developmental stages, she acts like a 2 year old. I've
found no other way to describe her actions. Her
ability focus, her obsession with books and mimicing
us and her intense need to communicate. From signing
to talking (even if in her own language, though she
says about a dozen words) - she acts "2". And that
- She wasn't hungy,
wet, tired... she simply wanted me to sit with her and
read all 47 of her books for the 4th time with her.
I haaaaaaaaad to deal with some site issues
(changing servers because AT&T blocked my host?
Huh?) So she screamed and cried... and at around 10
minutes (God I love this), started flipping
through her books WHILE SCREAMING.
THAT'S when I knew she was a little
bullshitter. That's when I knew we were in the
terrible twos. She had gone well past wanting to hang
out and read with me... she had moved to the "I'm
going to read by myself AND scream at the top of my
lungs." So I go in and talk to Talya who is
legitimately freaked "what the fuck is she doing?". I
giggled and explained everything and put on my
headphones and continued uploading files, etc. She got
past the 30 minute mark still screaming. At
this point? I'm actually proud of her. That's some
fight, boy! She already knows I'm not budging but
she's gonna keep on pushin'.
- We hit the 45
minute mark. At which point I had to update my
- Heh, funny thread
- and I haven't the foggiest idea who William is.
Welcome to the friend list of someone trying to social
network in 2008. <shrugs>
- But it's true, my
point was not to embarrass her, but to show an actual
amazement in how much passion she had. Eventually her
Oma came over and we ate, but the cool part? Today?
I put her down again and she screamed for? 5
- Then quietly
started flippin' through books. :) I know all kids are
different and this isn't a parenting blog but I'm
tellin' you: don't accept whining, outlast a few
tantrums and never make idle threats. This isn't
"breaking their spirits", it's showing them what
works. If tantrums don't work, they'll go other
ways... if they do work? You're in for some terrible
2's, 3's, 4's etc.
- But ANYWAY - the
past week has been a friggin' dream for me. The best
part? I can't be on my computer or phone because
she wants to see it and play with it - so I spend
my mornings sitting with her, drinking coffee...
gazing out the window. Just enjoying the hours pass as
she talks and talks. There's a calm to being unplugged
as we all probably know, but also unplugging from
adulthood is a gift. It's just a gift. I guess
I didn't realize just how important alone
one-on-one time is with your kid since we've always
been all together - but wow, it's rather intense.
I will certainly make it a point to schedule more
of this once Cam is on a good schedule so that Talya
can have that alone time as well with them. It's just
the most precious stuff ever. And watch this minute
and tell me you wouldn't want to sit and go through
books with this kid all day?
- Exciting age.
- Adam