- 3:55 PM, Sunday,
January 5th, 2014:
- So I didn't want
to get into the craziness of the beginning of this
year because Cam totally deserved 3 pristine entries
to commemorate his birth...
- ...but boy did
things get hairy.
- I alluded to it in
the last entry:
- Slept and
slept. In fact, so much so when we got him home our
doctor told us to take him to the emergency room
'cause he also wasn't eating. That phone call woke
him right up and now he's doin' fine - but yeah,
scary couple hours at home for sure.
- What I didn't
say was that although he was fine and we averted the
ER, we went to the doctor the following day and they
decided to give us the "everyone is sick as fuck" hour
to sit in a small waiting room with a 5 day old
- Ahem.
- After nearly a
half hour, mixed with already not sleeping? Both Talya
and I were on edge. We finally asked for a room
for newborns and they accommodated, but not before
Talya and I got uber sick. Which is annoying
because personally? I haven't been sick since 2010. It
takes some pretty extraordinary situations for me to
get sick but that sure did it. By Wednesday night (New
Year's Day) I was sporting a 102 degree fever...
yet I had no flu or cold symptoms? I knew
I had to get out there. A 5 day-old Cam will
already be fighting a cold that now everyone has, but
if I have something really bad? I have to be
quarantined. Enter Super Oma...
- Talya's mother
Karen already runs a few speeds too fast, so in
emergency situations? She's already there. Incredibly,
as we were all starting to enter the haziness of sick
Karen's mother falls and is in the
- Whew.
- So she's going to
the hospital, dealing with end of life stuff
(thankfully it looks as though she's going home with
simply a week's worth of in-home care) on one end of
town while helping with beginning of life stuff on the
other. She's gotta drive my sick ass to her house so
I can ride out the fever with a couple doses of
Nyquil and more than anything: sleep - and also
thankfully: Jimmy was in town and able to help Talya
throughout. Crazy family help!!!!
- So the next day,
though rundown, my fever broke and I was just a
bit woozy. I came back into the mix as Super Oma
continued running all over the city putting out fires.
And remember, she already had Vienna by herself for 3
days while Talya and I were in the hospital and
all of this? During the entirety of her Winter "Break"
from school (she goes back on Monday the 7th).
- Incredibly,
I really just needed that one night's sleep and I
was back and running with no lingering effects. Vienna
and Talya were a little stuffy - and Cameron? Those
lovely antibodies in breast milk and he never got
sick. A few boogers but we don't really even know if
it's normal newborn boogers or that he actually got a
cold. <shrugs>
- But without Super
Oma, this simply wouldn't have been that nice of a
story. This house is just, so, little and I had
nowhere else to go. And man, she's made for these
times. She really is on that level at all times so now
is the only time when she doesn't seem insanely high
strung. HA. For once we weren't constanly telling her
- And thankfully, so
far, Cameron is the polar opposite of Vienna in terms
of demeanor. Took to breastfeeding right away, sleeps
and sleeps (still up every 2-3 hours though) but
hardly cries unless he's hungry and again,
juuuuuuuuuuuust sleeps. If his eyes are open you've
hit the Cam Jackpot for that minute. Vienna was
nothing like this and we are holding our breath that
just maybe we get him sleeping through the night in 3
months instead of 7. That would be
- For now we keep on
fighting the good fight and living for Vienna's Cosby
face. Have I written about that? She started
doing the "Jelllllllllllooooooooo" O-face like Cosby a
couple months ago and now does it on command. It's the
funniest thing:
- Dohhhhh. That's
the damn best. Shit like that keeps us sane. Of course
we don't show her waking up and screaming at 3AM last
night and staying up for 90 minutes. No we save that
video for the dates.
- :-)
- Adam