10:46 AM, Tuesday, October 29th, 2013:
Man, where do I start. The date. Yes, it's three days later and that is not a sign of laziness. I haven't stopped working since 7am Saturday morning. All day cutting Sunday and Monday (new all-time record lows on my fuelband, under 1000!) and it took 10 HOURS just to upload this beast. So before we move ahead... watch this. Please, treat it like a half-hour sit-com and watch all 18-something minutes. There are so many "OH MY GOD" moments from Saturday's tournament I can't believe it. What a spectacular way to end the year...
Whew. Lemme jump down the page a bit so as to not have spoilers viewable while watching the video...
Alright, first off - how awesome is this pic:
Haaaaaaaaaaa. I'll be honest, I bet that picture? Has never been taken. I mean, in all of golf. What an odd pairing:  a mini-golf costume party.
And I cannot believe it was only a whim that made me think of doing this, because it was easily the most fun we've ever had during an event. I'm so happy some people go all out for Halloween. I mean, whaaaaaaaaaaat?
That's just pure coolness. And yes, I was Indiana Jones...
I mean, I can't help it. It makes me feel like I'm 9. I loved Indiana Jones so freaking much as a kid... I actually get excited to wear the HAT. Jimmy's Clark Kent was quite good as was the epic moment from the tournament which I used as a teaser on Facebook...
Yeah, didn't make that deadline... I started uploading at 1am this morning so I wasn't tooooooooo far off, but wow. I had no idea how hard it would be to cut that down to a manageable time. But, I just have to talk about everything while it's still fresh... up first...
How ridiculously "money" was this shot? I just happened on him, he does the whole dramatic open, nails the hole in one, then walks off-camera as I roll into the skull. So pimp. Fred owns that hole. He's aced it 6 out of the 10 times he's played it in qualifying or the finals. I'm 5 of 17. Wow.
Our youngest player! Avery Farrell is the daughter of Anthony, who is one of Kurtis's new co-hosts on The Worst Show on the Web. Unfortunately, Anthony actually qualified for the tournament with a (-3) but had to leave early. Avery ended up with a (+6) and beat several adults which I find hilarious considering she hits the ball like it's going to attack her. Kurtis came with his boy, Parker and the two of them had a blast. Kids don't actually care about rules but the whole concept of mini-golf is cool to them. And they could spend all day on Plinko. ;-) Good times...
I was happy Jed was able to make it. He's the guy from the "Neighbors I never knew" entry and he'd had a couple surgeries that kept him from seeing the course this summer. He enjoyed himself and several people got all giggly when they realized he killed Pesci in Casino. I mean, come on. That's just awesome. And like every actor, the truth is he's far more talented and has done a tremendous amount of things in the industry (check out his IMDB) - but it sure is fun to say "I killed Pesci".
And of course what will most likely be a turning point for this entire project, JB from Vice showed up with his photographer and played the course. He started laughably bad, but then got the hang of it leading to a freaking eagle on 7. They both enjoyed themselves and I'm excited about the fact that GolfKon is finally gonna get some press. Mind you, not so more people come... but it allows me to link businesses and charities to an article from an established company which will help get the ball rolling in 2014. These events are SCREAMING to be charity events. It's such a fun and exciting way to raise money for some cause. I'm already doing sooooooooo much work for free... we can finally put that energy to something good. Ahhh! Can't wait.
The tournament itself seeemed like an easy editing endeavor. It was technically less "rounds" than Labor Day, but what didn't occur to me was that in essence, they were 7 separate stories. I did the best I could to keep it under the YouTube limit of 15 minutes, but alas, it just couldn't be done without completely cutting out matches. So I did some digging, and realized all I had to do was verify my account on YouTube and I could break that limit. Wow, who knew. Now, I still aim to have 2 minute videos for everything, but events like this are massive stories. And this tournament? Was how I was beaten every, single, round... until my 3 opponents just randomly fucking bit the dust. I mean, how on earth does Fred hit the tee of 8 perfectly... and then THREE PUTT the 2nd half of the hole? How does David who was freaking LEADING at 8, knock it not once, but TWICE back behind the ridge? This is the man who has the course record of (-7). <shakes head> It was unbelievable. In the finals though, Matt has been known to get a tiny bit behind and then just throw in the towel and record a 6-6-4 over 3 holes. (sigh) It actually annoys the hell out of me because we're tied if he makes a simple putt on 7, and instead it show me winning the match by 8 strokes. No idea why he does that, but it has happened in both tournaments he's been in and he's easily one of the top 3 golfers that has ever played... and in round 1? He scores a +1 and barely beats the 8 seed? David or Fred will probably be the players that end up beating me. They're far more consistent.
And that's kinda where this is heading. There's a reason they keep showing up... they know it's coming, and they want to be the one that does it. It's what I kept trying to explain to people that said I should sit out or handicap myself. No one wants to win a tournament when I'm not playing. No one wants to win because I put a handicap on my score. It's why you don't take it easy when you play kids at games - they know, and the smart ones? Hate that shit. It's belittling. No they want to win with me at my best and Saturday showed they could absolutely do it. David and Fred know damn well I was powerless to stop them once we got to 8 and they totally freaking blew it. They will be back, and they will win. It's now just a question of who will beat me. I was CERTAIN it was happening Saturday. Still stunned watching it.
Oh and can someone please tell me how the freaking hell Jimmy's Superman putt didn't go in? Could he have set that up any better? And it just TEASES the lip? AHHHHHHHHHHHH. That would've been the most epic thing ever. And he also likes to just go out guns blazing when he's gonna lose. (Sigh). That's not golf gentleman... but we enjoy the show. ;-)
Alright, this is a lot of typing. I need to update GolfKon.com and call it a year for the course. Whew. Hope you guys enjoyed it! Here's to 2014!