9:16 AM, Friday, July 19th, 2013:
The debates are over. The passions on Facebook have simmered. Everyone had an opnion, few knew the facts and honestly? That didn't matter. Most that sided with Zimmerman in the trial still acknowledged how unfair the whole thing was. And when all the hours spent raging and debating were through? I simply felt depressed. For the first time in years really. I kept coming back to one thought:
What exactly are we supposed to tell our kids to do when being followed by a stranger?
And forget me and my little white girls, what on earth does a black family tell a black son? Is he supposed to knock on a door in the neighborhood and ask for help? Looking all.... black? Does he continue to walk slow to make sure not to be suspicious? Run and not worry how he looks? Or, what I've always believed if you're actually confronted? HIT FIRST, HIT HARD. Don't give them time, get them to the ground and THEN run. Every choice for him is wrong. So I wrote a song...
Forgot I could actually still do that. I'm very proud of it. Unfortunate that I needed a week of processing to pull that off, it would've been far timelier the night of the verdict. But it's very simple, subtle and just exactly what is bummin' me out so much. Will somebody tell me what he was reasonably supposed to do to avoid death. If he was armed was he allowed to shoot Zimmerman? Wow, actually Obama just said that:
"I just ask people to consider if Trayvon Martin was of age and armed, could he have stood his ground on that sidewalk? And do we actually think that he would have been justified in shooting Mr. Zimmerman, who had followed him in a car, because he felt threatened? And if the answer to that question is at least ambiguous, it seems to me that we might want to examine those kinds of laws."
And wow, he trumped me. Trayvon was being followed, of COURSE he felt threatened, and he still shouldn't have the right to pull out a gun and SHOOT Zimmerman. The issue is the law, and that's all we can really hope for with this case: a re-examination of those laws. They were midguided from inception to now and that's the other heartbreak of the case - the jurors didn't screw up. They read the law, they followed the law, and had absolutely no way to convict Zimmerman. As well, Zimmerman's lawyers were able to keep "initial aggressor" out of the jury instructions which would've gotten him manslaughter - easy. But at issue is the law, we can change that and it can at the very least be named after Trayvon.
Here's hopin'. There's still a bit of that left.