4:34 PM, Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013:
WOW. Just, wow. I now, honestly, have no idea why anyone with a small space for grass doesn't use synthetic. This is absolutely incredible. But don't take my word for it...
So incredibly in love with it. Right when I put the camera away CeBe and LeeLoo started playing with each other in it and dive-bombing the grass... just crazy. It looks incredible, and it's soft to the touch... I just can't believe I didn't do it sooner. Well, can believe it, because it's extremely exepnsive, but as we're nearing the end of the construction oddyssey, it almost seems like a gift to my back. It's 300 square feet I will not have to build a deck over, or pour cement over, etc.
The crazy thing is it isn't even really installed. I just rolled it out and we were so excited we just played in it. I have kinda blown off the day today just to enjoy it. Which means tomorrow (the day before the major) is gonna be insane to try and pull off.
Anyway - I'm writing this entry because the debate raging online about grass is quite impressive. America love their lawns. It's bizarre. I admit, I like nice lawns too, but I'm from Ohio. Those happen relatively effortlessly because it RAINS. This idea that we should have that lawn here is quite misguided even if you're not on a hundred year old horse run like me. But man, people pay small fortunes to make it look like they have that lawn. Around here? It's 52 weeks out of the year and daily watering, often twice a day. The funny thing is? That seems more "fake" to me than just saying "fuck it" and getting synthetic grass.
For those wondering, I ended up getting the Turf Evolutions Pet Turf because out of every sample I could find, it felt the most real. Some synthetic grass has longer blades and they just lay strangely and seem clearly fake. This is 1 1/4 inches and feels thick like the rough on a golf course. It absolutely looks like grass with the only issue being it has no dead patches. LOL. Strangely a neighbor's real grass across the street looks more fake because of how bright it is... again, unless you run your hand through it you'd never guess - and even then? It feels nice. And, DUH, absolutely no maintanence and should last 10 years. Well... I'm in. I'm amazed. And I cannot wait for Vienna to start running around on it. The dogs already love it, and surprisingly are so well trained to poop in the sandy dirt, that they actually went off the grass and did just that... and then played on the grass again. :-) Not that it's a problem if they poop or pee on it, that's what it's made for - but not having to clean up after it is quite nice. The dogs have their own 100 square foot section of the backyard to poop in. :-)
Oh, and we announced the BABY YESTERDAY!!! Didn't feel like we needed an entry of the announcement OF the announcement like last year because, well, everyone kinda expected it. I mean, don't get me wrong - there's a fair amount of surprise about the 15 months apart thingee... but we're a rather happy couple, we don't hide that, and I think the only surprise to people is that we are stopping at 2. As I've said before living within and/or below your means is absolutely the key to happiness and 4 people in this house is maximum occupancy. As well, we've pushed the front and back yards to their very MAX of useable space and I believe a family of 4 PLUS the tennant/tennants in the guest house can live comfortably, but no more. I mean think about it, our house is 1040 square feet. That's crazy. But by the end of the summer? There will be 3 bedrooms, 1bath, an open dining room/kitchen and living room area and a massive back yard... and now useable front yard. We use every square inch of our 6000 square foot lot... and not many people can say that. :-) Proud of what we've accomplished...
...and super, super happy with our front LAWWWWWWWWWWWWWN.