4:05 PM, Wednesday, June 13th, 2012:
I remember vividly the day I realized there were pocket doors hidden in the walls of the kitchen. It was early 2003 and I looked at Jess and said:  "HOLY SHIT! WE CAN HAVE A DOG NOW!". Because we'd be able to put a doggie door in the backdoor leading to the kitchen and lock the pocket doors at night so they don't go apeshit all over the place... yet still have the ability to go outside whenever they wanted. Kinda the perfect life for a pup...
...until a baby comes into the picture.
I was laying in bed thinking of the plethora of changes I'm in the midst of with the house when I realized that part of waking up in the middle of the night, may mean going to the kitchen to prepare a bottle or a plethora of things. And the dogs are conditioned to the opening of a kitchen door meaning:  "WOO HOO!!! NOW WE GET TO RUN AROUND THE HOUSE WITH YOU!" Add in a baby and we've got some annoying scenarios playing out. The bottom line is, in the middle of the night? We need access to the kitchen without dogs to keep the peace. During the day "the kitchen" doesn't mean what it does when they're relegated to it at night, so it won't be as much of an issue... but we needed to change this. So I decided to put a doggie door through the wall in the dining room and outside? Actually ATTACH a new room to the house. Tiled and with a shingled roof. I guess you could call this a doghouse, but I prefer to call it an extension. :) I feel I've added 30 square feet to our house. ;-) Getting them to use it however, is an entirely different story...
Awww. So sweet. They really do love the thing, I wasn't making that up. In fact to LeeLoo? It's the center of her day. She runs through the doggiedoor and doghouse for fun. Good segue for this pic...
That's her lookin' at the camera IN the doggie door...
It took about 4 nights, but now it's all routine. We watch TV for a bit in bed while the dogs sleep in it... then I stand up and they race THROUGH the kitchen TO the doggie door to go to their bed. CeBe still doesn't love it, but she'd prefer to be INSIDE OF ME 24 hours a day, so what can you do. :-)
And yes, I have no problem fitting in it if need be. ;-) Weird, check out that long hair on my left shin in that picture? What the shit is that? That made me actually check my shin right now. Ha. Blame it on Talya. ;-)
So things are coming right along. It feels like it will never end, but as is the case with most of these projects I'll wake up one day, look around and realize I'm no longer needed. It's a weird feeling...
Whew. That gets me every time. 885 entries later. Whew x2.