Seems like I could
do a weekly "Randoms" entry with all that goes on in
the world... but I'm just too damn busy.
1) If I were a
You know,
I often wonder what it'd be like to pick a niche
and run with it. Be a political blogger and go at it
with full force. I honestly wonder if I could
even do it? Especially now. I'm so focused on family
and Talya I barely care about my own opinions. The
Journey is, of course, not really a blog in the sense
of what that term morphed into. I'm just documenting
my life like a book. Started about 13 years ago and it
turned into my therapy. Who knew. It will never be
followed like most blogs because the window is so
narrow but it will mean something to my kids. Strange
being the first and longest running video blogger and
freely admitting it matters only to those who know me.
But that's kind of how art is - you just do it. You
just breathe it. You look back later and judge it or
try and market it. I've given up on both of those for
about 3 years now. ;) No surprise that I'm the
happiest I've ever been in my life. Duh.
2) Holy Horse Fly
Seriously, what
the hell is this?
It's funny, now
that we have no holes in our windows? TONS of
flies. It's so annoying. They get in from an open door
and then are completely fucked because all their old
"outs" are gone. And I don't know what the
hell that video is of... but it's pretty
3) Back-burner
I uploaded that
super-fly video nearly 2 weeks ago and am just now
getting around to making the entry. That's how hard it
has been to keep this going right now. It certainly
makes you wonder how this project will progress with
kids. I'm gonna have to start focusing more on career
simply so I have a better focus for The Journey
or I will lose myself all together. The Journey
is my accountability for life. For who I'm
supposed to be. If left to my own devices? I'll throw
everything into my relationship with Talya and my
children. Without a doubt. It's where my heart goes
automatically. It would also be wrong. I have too many
talents and too many gifts to ignore them. I want
to be an inspiration to my kids as a human being not
just as "Dad". We'll see what The Journey becomes, but
yeah, it's been hard as hell to even remember
to keep this up. Crazy to say in year 13.
I have to say, I love construction videos. I
adore seeing the changes from what was before. I look
back on August 2004 often (building the guesthouse)
with pride and it's such a sign of the times.
I also think of my kids looking at what they've
been accustomed to their whole life, and seeing how it
transformed before they even existed. And not to feed
Vienna's ego anymore, but ALLLLLLL of this is because
of her. Ha. Sure am glad though. Lovin' how things are
turning out. Doghouse entry next. Pretty
NBA Finals
SPEAKING of pretty
awesome, tomorrow the Finals start and I can't
remember the last time I was this excited. The
Durant/LeBron matchup is one for the ages. It's
reminiscent of the Jordan Finals when he was clearly
going up against one other superstar. Jordan/Magic,
Jordan/Barkley, Jordan/Malone. Yes there are other
stars, but with Wade fadin' like he has, this is
clearly LeBron's team, and although OKC is loaded with
talent - this is clearly Durant's team. And the
biggest irony now is that LeBron is in the exact same
situation he was in in Cleveland: not enough help. He
took the pussiest move joining the already champion
Wade... only to find out, Wade isn't himself. He's
either injured or just prematurely aging, but Wade is
simply no longer a Top 10 player. I would argue OKC's
guard OFF THE BENCH, could be traded with
Wade (Harden) and contribute more. And because of
that? OKC is winning this. I'll be PC and
say they win it in 6, but this could be 4 or 5. And
<shakes head>, I actually am starting (just
barely starting) to feel bad for LeBron. Not too bad
though. Karma is a nasty, nasty bitch. How long until
LeBron tries to force a trade to OKC?
If you didn't like
this season of Mad Men, I have no idea why you watch
TV. And if you don't understand how much this country
changed from 1960-1970 I suggest you read some
books or some documentaries. Mad Men has been, and
always will be, a show about women leveling the
playing field. From the pilot episode, you could see
the entire arc of the series. Everyone thought it was
"Sexist" show when in fact it was simply reporting the
times as they were. It's mid-1967 now and we are smack
dab in the midst of the revolution. The only one not
changing is Don and that's exactly the point.
People expecting him to go through a growth in this
series clearly never watched The Sopranos. Don is Tony
and they try desperately to hold onto what they
controlled at the beginning. They can't. And in the
evolution from 1960 to 1970? Don will be a dinosaur.
If he's even alive in the 70's and 80's it will be
sad. Incredibly sad. He will be an alien in those
decades. Incapable of adapting. This season was
impeccable in showing that bridge. The final two
seasons may surpass The Sopranos as my favorite tv
series of all time. Here's hopin'. ;) And just because
I can...
There's a picture
I took of Jon Hamm eating a bagel with cream cheese
and lox and playing Words with Friends on his
7) Politics -
It's so obvious
what's happening that it's boring to even talk about
anymore. The GOP have done exactly what they said they
would do in 2010: Do everything possible to keep
Obama a one-term president. The governors slashed
their jobs to destroy the unemployment rate and the
congress blocked every possible move to help the
economy. It has now slowed to a crawl after an
stunningly positive reversal when Obama came into
office. Period. There isn't even a grey area. People
that don't do their homework and figure that out?
Deserve a President Romney. Seriously. I look at it as
an outsider at this point. If this country is that
goofy? It'll be a curious piece of entertainment to
watch on my TV. And socially? Are you serious? How far
behind other civilized countries do we have to become?
I've been to other countries that are far more
advanced and I will have no problem moving there
(although California does seem like another country in
comparison). Birth control? LMFAO. Don't the rednecks
see it's just how rich people control... YOU? You
think rich families don't have their daughters on
BIRTH CONTROL? LOL. They want poor people
OFF birth control to keep them OUT of their way.
A teen pregnancy destroys your ability to beat the
RICH PEOPLE to the good JOBS and placement
in the GOOD SCHOOLS. A permanent underclass. And
Hahahaha. And you defend it because Obama is a
SOCIALIST? REALLY? He's a mid-90s republican! Use your
BRAINS. Oh wait, you didn't go to college. (sigh) And
the cycle continues. Stupid is as stupid
So I ran for
over an hour three days ago (about 6 1/2 miles) and,
uhm, actually enjoyed the first half. Yes, it seems,
I'm becoming that guy. Now, the end was horrible,
I wanted to kill myself the whole time. But the
first, 3 miles or so? I was hoppin' around. Runnin'
all over the valley looking at window sills (figuring
out what to do with ours) and having a nice brisk jog.
I'm still only running every other day (can't believe
the weight comes off at the same pace at only every
other day - WTF) to save my knees long-term and
certainly won't run that long for several weeks... but
I've never enjoyed running 3 miles... ever.
I mean, never. I've done it before. Hell
I ran nearly 10 miles for over 90 minutes back in
2010 but then hurt my knee so bad I couldn't run
for 6 months. And I didn't enjoy even a SECOND of
it. This time though, I actually was that asshole.
That happy, bouncy jogging asshole. I can't believe
it. The next run however it went back to sucking ass
the whole time. So maybe this was just one of those
weird times where I was OK. Who knows. Cool
watching your body change though. Not the weight,
actually being able to change what you can accomplish
over a period of time. Good shit. I should be
later this month for the first time in 3 years. Can't
And I can't
wait to get out of this Randoms Entry so I can
keep working on the house. (sigh). What a weird summer
this is going to be...