Since this entry
is kind of about running, and a video of me running is
boring? I decided to try and scare my roomate by
running ahead of him and setting this video
LOOKED at me. I would give anything to
have a video of me looking that cool. Not even a
shake? I mean, now that I think of it is he
cool or just really slow? LMFAO. Is this just the guy
that gets hit by a car because he can't process how to
move fast enough? Heh. Anyway, funny video even if it
is me being a complete dumbass. Onto the
The vikings took
newborn babies and left them out on the ship overnight
to brave the elements. They figured, if it made it
through that? It was a good one. If it didn't? That
baby would've been a pain in the ass. So thank the
fuck christ they got rid of THAT little bastard,
Except I'm not
joking, that's actually what they did. And in that
time? With what life was like for VIKINGS? Yup, that
makes sense. Some things you're just born with.
A strong constitution isn't learned, it's just
kinda in you. Thankfully in today's society you don't
need to have an iron constitution to still have a
happy productive life.
I, however, went
through some serious shit as a newborn. I was
born so premature that my lungs weren't formed and it
basically all came down to if I was a fighter or not.
There wasn't a lot of technology back in 1975 (which
might have something to do with why I was 6-8
weeks early as a PLANNED C-SECTION), so I sat in
an incubator and fought. My lungs collapsed, they cut
me open and pumped me back up... and I apparently
I had a pretty strong constitution because I fought
and fought. Wouldn't give up. It's clear to me that
when it comes to resiliency and "stick-to-it-iveness"?
Nature trumps nurture. I think this website is a
testament to that... but I'm not sure even
I understood how much of it is just, kind of, in
When we came back
from Solvang I was so overloaded with sugar I had to
literally take a day off eating. I just couldn't
put anything more in my body. The day after the fast I
still felt fine even after not eating for 40 hours...
so I went and ran a couple miles.
I was next to
Talya for part of the way (then pulled ahead) and I
said to her: "This is strange isn't it? I
shouldn't be able to run this long without eating for
2 days, right?" And folks, I don't have a runners
body. In the least. It's not enjoyable, in fact
I can't stand working out... ever. But, my mind
rarely ever gives up. I just think I can do
it... and I do. You don't run 2 miles after not
eating THAT DAY let alone 2 days prior, but it
never phased me. I also didn't really drink much
water and it was kinda hot that day... didn't really
think about it.
Cut to a couple
days ago? I ran 10k in 55 minutes. Wasn't tired,
could've gone longer, wasn't sore (even the next
day)... huh? Then I thought about the last time
I had eaten? It was the night before (I ran at 1
in the afternoon). So that's what, 16-17 hours?
I ate after that of course (I was honestly
just busy that morning and skipped breakfast not
meaning to starve myself in the least), but
I couldn't stop thinking about how easily
I was able to run for an hour. I mean, I'm
not in shape. I'm 25 pounds heavier than I was during
my Comedy Central Pilot. I just think my
brain/body works differently than others.
I reiterate, it's not because I'm healthier than
others - in fact I'm almost in a constant state of
pain because of my ear/nose issues that have plagued
me my entire life. Maybe that's it? Maybe because I'm
so used to being uncomfortable that a little fatigue
doesn't phase me? I really don't know, but it has
everything to do with why I never tell people
I have the keys to life or some secret on how to
be successful, etc. I'm an alien and my ability to
keep going is about 98% of what has made me successful
at anything. The things I talk about in
this blog are what work for ME. Hell, I don't
think there's ANYTHING that will work for YOU
other than "float downstream" which is basically
Buddha-Speak. And he pretty much cornered that market.
Anyway, this entry
is just a reminder and reality-check for me that I am
abnormal and should never think others should
be able to process life the way I do. I believe
many of the people writing self-help books also posess
these traits but try and sell it to those without as
if you can attain it. Uhm, I don't think you can. You
can avoid some shit, sure... but some people have the
fight, some people don't. And you probably could've
been put outside on a viking ship as a newborn and
figured it out right away.