I know I said
this would be a Randoms Entry, and this could very
well be a random - but after seeing this quote on
Facebook last week I scribbled down this rant
(scribbling in the 21st century being my iPad in the
video is a voice-over of the entry with pics - more
fun than reading if ya have the
is a reflection of what you believe you
No. It fucking.
I know I have
ranted about this issue before, but I've never seen a
quote so succinct that encompasses all of what is
nauseating about people believing they control the
entire universe. Sweet fuck people. This quote was
part of a long rant on how everything is a
representation of yourself, etc. Like my favorite -
how your car looks speaks to how you treat yourself.
it speaks to the fact that I have other shit to do,
and making my car look pretty is about 27th on my list
because I'm busy kicking ASS in other areas of my
life. I just don't give a fuck the kind of car
I drive, what it looks like... I just wanna
get there. But anyway, I digress.
People, please
listen. I know I can't sell any books saying
this. I know no one wants to hear it and those
that profess the opposite of what I'm about to say
will undoubtedly profit a million times more than
myself... but here it goes:
You can learn how
to spot the pitch when it's released, you can learn
how to hit the pitch, you can learn when to swing and
when to wait... but if you spend your time trying to
"positively think" the pitch you WANT? You're an
IDIOT. Prepare for the outcomes and take the
appropriate action. Stop thinking you control the
universe. All it will do is fill your bookshelf with
self-help books. GOD.
I know I'm gonna
have to get over this annoyance 'cause it ain't goin'
anywhere. There's obviously some truth to positive
thinking (it will absolutely help you see your
opportunities better), so it's bound to be
extrapolated to the EXTREME to prey on the lost
souls of the world... but goddamnit, this quote:
"Everything is a reflection of what you believe you
deserve." is actually BAD for you. It's not
harmless, it will actually cause you MORE stress
unless you also possess the skill of rationalizing
every failure as a positive-happy-thing. Which, come
to think of it, is a trait ALL the zombie positive
thinkers seem to possess. An absolute inability to
take one on the chin, admit when they fucked up, and
actually learn from it. They're so fixated on being
happy, saying they're happy, painting silver linings -
they never actually GROW. I often say I have
a "lemonade life" because I always tend to
make the best of bad situations but I admit
they're fuckin' bad and I use my brain to think of
what I did to get me there, and then think of
ACTIONS I can take to make them better. I
don't just sugar-coat every event.
And see, this
comes back to the whole religion debate which I've
avoided since my days in talk radio 'cause
I don't think it helps anyone to slam their faith
or religion (and believe me the whole "The Secret"
crowd is most definitely a religion). It's that
same starry-eyed, dazed, cult-like following of
obsessive overly-positive thinking at all times no
matter WHAT happens no matter how bad a situation is.
Again, I don't want to slam that because I do
honestly believe "Whatever Gets You Through The
Night"... but quotes like the one I'm ranting against
prey on the lost. It preys on the specifically hurting
and searching among us... which, shit I guess
religion does too. GRRRRRRR. You know, I wonder how
I come off to those that have even a vague belief
in religion? I mean, doesn't this make sense to
them? Don't they see the OBVIOUS issue with the
incessant need to believe there is some order and
control in the universe, or is the alternative (that
there is none) just too scary?
I have to believe
it's the latter. I have to believe that it's my
bizarre lack of fear that allows me to see this
clearly and never doubt it. I am not saying there
isn't a God, I'm simply saying I don't know.
I just know thinking that we DO know (either
way) is arrogant and foolish. Not knowing is the only
thing we can be sure of and I have faith in
I know what it is.
I KNOW WHAT IT IS! It's the lack of
accountabilty of the believers that makes me FUCKING
CRAZY. It's thanking your GOD when you win the
game and not blaming him when you lose. It's pointing
to your "positive thinking" when you're
successful and not admitting that you were
JUST as positive when you failed. People that
don't do a site like "The Journey" have the ability to
avoid ALL accountability by showing people the
next shiny object. And as I said before, a
positive outlook will indeed allow you to see the
opportunites in front of you but everything comes from
action. Doing. You can positively envision
hitting a home run, but it takes a lot of hard work,
practice and eventually action to beat the pitcher.
And I guarantee you, no batters are spending
their time trying to figure out how to
will the pitcher to throw them a favorable
pitch. They may change their stance, they may trick
the pitcher into thinking they're gonna swing when
they actually bunt, but inevitably they know there's
only so many variables they control so they prepare
for ALL outcomes. At the end of all of the
preperation comes the one irrefutable truth: you have
no control over what comes at you. You can only
control how you deal with it.
Now, I'm gonna go
wash my car because my mom is visiting tomorrow. And
it has fuck all to do with how I feel about
myself and everything to do with the age-old
yearning to make-believe you "always live like
this" when your mom comes to visit. Seriously, if
people didn't visit my house I shudder at what it
would look like.